I watched Infinity War today and since I haven't been going to the movies that much lately...I decide to treat myself / binged for I had fast food instead of eating something healthy at home or healthy on the go.
So yeah I enjoy being the Yin to your Yang Larry.
I still occasionally eat fast food. Haven't turned vegan yet
I went grocery shopping today, and I was mostly good. But I bought ice cream for the first time in months at the supermarket. Peanut Butter Ripple and it was on sale
But yeah Infinity War I think is a 3 out of 5. Plot wise if you look at individual scenes instead of the entire movie on average the movie is 4 out of 5 for scenes. The problem is though put all those scenes together and the movie just gets worse.
It is a 2 act movie structure with Act 2 starting 30 mins in and the entire movie is about 150 minutes. So you have 2 hours of pure rising action with no release at all (maybe a few jokes but we are talking seconds of release.) Other movies understand you need to calm some of the rising action every now and then. Empire Strikes Back understood this, Avengers 1 understood this, Avengers 3 does not it expects you to have pure attention for 150 minutes but the human brain really can't does this so everyone is spent by the end of it and it feels like a blur.
The Avengers 3 movie would work so much better if you watched it at home at your own leisure and you see it in 3 chunks and you take personal breaks during the 3 chunks.
Now I am complaining but understand there is lots of good stuff in this movie, it just could have been better.
And do not get me started on how a deus ex machima macguffin just kind of makes a movie hard to have stakes if the same macguffin will probably undo things in the next movie.