Someone who we don't know said simmering that has not been proven. The day when the media gets this sort of free pass needs to end. Rumor does not equal fact.
We are having completely different conversations right now, and completely different things we are looking at.
(Skip explaining what I am doing, and what I am not doing, and you are doing things I am not doing. I do not want to explain my thought process for it is lots of words but I was asking small questions for I could tell someone was gaslighting / lieing to me. I was fine with dealing with uncertantity I was asking what do I know for sure effectively before the spin.)
Sidenote pivoting from the two different conversations we are having to something more recent that really bypasses our yesterday / Saturday conversation.
Trey Gowdy on Sunday agreed with the WSJ annonymous source that this information (that political rivals of Trump paid for some of the Steel dousier, and the Steel dousier was part of the FISA court application to listen into Carter Page 2 months after Page left the Trump Campaign, but the dousier was not the only evidence to wiretap Carter Page.)
This information per Gowdy was disclosed to the FISA court judge but Gowdy still had complaints about the FBI and the FISA court process. Note Trey Gowdy actually saw the FISA warrants and information, David Nunes did not this is agreed and explained by both Nunes and Gowdy to the press. The writers of the memo were Nunes, Gowdy, and two staff members.