Because neither he nor Rosenstein is anything like a liberal; the Republican Party expelled its remaining liberals back when Reagan made "liberal" a swear word. If you mean Rosenstein, he is a registered REPUBLICAN who served on Ken Starrs committee pursuing impeachment of Bill Clinton, and W nominated him to be a federal judge: Sound like any kind of "lib"? Once again, all these "deep state Dem leftists" are actually life long card carrying Republicans: The only reason other Republicans are calling them "liberals" and "Democrats" now is because they do not want tax hikes badly enough to accept a KGB asset as President of the United States. Which is only logical, since the Republican Party USED to fiercely oppose both tax hikes and the Soviet Union, but apparently slapping an (R) on the end makes them as American as Mother Russia and apple pie.
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Slightly better than chocolate.
Love still can't be coerced.
Please Don't Eat the Newbies!

LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.