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If working with a forgein agent is such a sin... random thoughts Send a noteboard - 02/02/2018 11:22:41 PM

why is it not a problem that Hillary hired a foreign intelligence agent to interfere with the election? She hired him to create a document that was then given to the FBI and used to further an investigate into the campaign of her rival and that is OK? Paying a foreign agent to collect dirt is good but meeting with a possible foreign agent who claims they have dirt is bad? Have we stopped pretending both side play by the same rules?

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So that memo was released.... - 02/02/2018 06:59:35 PM 1241 Views
"God's in His heaven— All's right with the world!" - 02/02/2018 07:14:41 PM 815 Views
Just reading the memo is indeed the best approach, I just did too. - 02/02/2018 08:20:01 PM 820 Views
I find it hard to believe the Obama appointees in the DoJ did not know where the dossier came from *NM* - 02/02/2018 09:17:06 PM 401 Views
As do I. Was that supposed to have any relevance to my post? *NM* - 02/02/2018 09:34:57 PM 443 Views
Re: As do I. Was that supposed to have any relevance to my post? - 02/02/2018 10:37:21 PM 744 Views
Yes, you did misunderstand me then. - 03/02/2018 12:17:27 AM 752 Views
yes, that's makes sense. - 03/02/2018 09:41:46 AM 634 Views
It does bring up more questions... - 02/02/2018 10:53:01 PM 774 Views
Seems you already decided on some answers in advance, though. - 03/02/2018 01:53:00 AM 635 Views
With over 34,000 FISA applications just 12 (not 12,000 or 1200 or 120) were denied. - 03/02/2018 04:07:24 PM 789 Views
Correction: "just under", not "over" 34,000 - 03/02/2018 10:08:54 PM 712 Views
Bah! - 03/02/2018 11:53:05 PM 736 Views
Ok, I really did laugh out loud at that - 06/02/2018 09:16:50 PM 598 Views
Those are the ones we have to watch! - 04/02/2018 12:48:49 AM 688 Views
He's the primary demographic for the 4Chans, isn't he? *NM* - 06/02/2018 09:15:47 PM 419 Views
This part was quite revealing - 02/02/2018 08:23:28 PM 673 Views
I do find it very telling how many members of the media are suddenly opposed to transparency - 02/02/2018 08:51:28 PM 648 Views
Ironic, right? - 02/02/2018 09:12:43 PM 609 Views
So you are saying the House Intelligence Committee SHOULD release Schiffs rebuttal of Nunes' lies? - 03/02/2018 03:58:13 AM 756 Views
I am for releasing all of it - 04/02/2018 12:28:57 AM 732 Views
You, Sen. Kennedy (R-LA) and NO ONE ELSE on the right. - 04/02/2018 07:41:17 AM 1087 Views
To summarize..... - 02/02/2018 09:12:06 PM 690 Views
I seem to recall much incredulity when Trump claimed he was being wire tapped - 02/02/2018 09:15:14 PM 653 Views
Er. Let me see if I'm getting this right. - 02/02/2018 09:34:14 PM 704 Views
They did somehow tap Flynn - 02/02/2018 10:44:55 PM 651 Views
Keep in mind Sessions wanted Rosenstein to resign - 02/02/2018 11:28:52 PM 584 Views
Why would SESSIONS want Rosenstein fired? - 03/02/2018 05:22:16 AM 692 Views
It was on a list of about 40 Sessions wanted fired. Probably becuase he is a lib *NM* - 04/02/2018 12:31:13 AM 438 Views
Sessions is a lib? Do you mean Libertarian? - 04/02/2018 07:57:45 AM 1114 Views
If working with a forgein agent is such a sin... - 02/02/2018 11:22:41 PM 664 Views
Dear Joel, - 03/02/2018 04:31:18 AM 728 Views
I have - 03/02/2018 05:09:19 AM 651 Views
You’re getting to old to be this naive - 03/02/2018 05:17:44 AM 655 Views
Never said either side is the good guys - 03/02/2018 05:36:55 AM 643 Views
WSJ source - 03/02/2018 05:04:04 AM 793 Views
well as long as you have an unnaamed source it must be true *NM* - 04/02/2018 01:05:36 AM 445 Views
What is your point? *NM* - 04/02/2018 01:53:37 AM 374 Views
What is yours? - 04/02/2018 04:30:51 PM 567 Views
The key issue is being ignored - 04/02/2018 04:35:32 PM 597 Views
Answer = Hell Yes - 04/02/2018 09:00:49 PM 601 Views

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