Active Users:381 Time:31/03/2025 07:14:07 PM
It is? Don't make me google. What does it now mean?! *NM* LiterateDog Send a noteboard - 01/02/2018 04:52:54 PM

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I had know way of knowing when I was attending Wichita State that 'Shocker' would become a naughty term.

"I'll blow whomever I want, whenever I want, as long as I can still breathe and kneel."
-Samantha Jones, SatC
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Patriots or Eagles? Or Other. (See Inside!) - 30/01/2018 03:32:05 PM 1798 Views
Yeah, I've seen exactly two American football games in my life... - 30/01/2018 03:57:56 PM 836 Views
In what way do you find him obnoxious? Seems awesome to me. - 30/01/2018 04:20:01 PM 859 Views
Anyone but the Eagles - 30/01/2018 04:57:53 PM 845 Views
Why should there be a limit? - 30/01/2018 05:16:33 PM 861 Views
Not an offical limit I just don't want them to win more than 6 - 30/01/2018 07:23:30 PM 878 Views
Dreaming is good. - 30/01/2018 07:26:55 PM 760 Views
like I said the best in his generation - 30/01/2018 08:53:10 PM 872 Views
Like I said, GOAT. *NM* - 30/01/2018 09:57:06 PM 518 Views
It is even harder now to do what Brady and the Patriots do/have done. - 31/01/2018 08:02:56 PM 832 Views
Yup! - 31/01/2018 08:07:06 PM 820 Views
I don't disgree with argument just the over use of GOAT - 01/02/2018 02:45:13 PM 839 Views
I heard a radio discussion of this topic the other day - 01/02/2018 03:53:09 PM 835 Views
Roger Staubach is and always will be my personal GOAT - 01/02/2018 04:21:53 PM 851 Views
Can't blame you for that - 02/02/2018 12:34:50 AM 832 Views
Tom Landrys wife said he felt much the same. - 02/02/2018 11:12:40 AM 814 Views
You know I completely disagree with your entire argument here. - 01/02/2018 04:18:04 PM 857 Views
OK *NM* - 01/02/2018 04:22:11 PM 472 Views
Rodgers is better - 02/02/2018 09:15:49 AM 766 Views
Your post is full of it. - 02/02/2018 12:52:05 PM 800 Views
Of course Staubach is honest - 02/02/2018 02:21:08 PM 837 Views
My team is fine, thanks - 03/02/2018 06:14:35 AM 792 Views
pessure up the middle wrecks most QBs - 02/02/2018 02:04:07 PM 801 Views
Fair point, except I am unsure even that applies to Rodgers - 03/02/2018 06:35:38 AM 818 Views
you said Eli beat Brady *NM* - 04/02/2018 12:13:43 AM 442 Views
Roll Tide! - 30/01/2018 05:56:37 PM 777 Views
Understandable. - 30/01/2018 06:08:51 PM 834 Views
I will root for the Eagles approximately 20 minutes after hell freezes over. - 30/01/2018 06:40:49 PM 807 Views
I grew up a Giants fan. - 30/01/2018 06:57:33 PM 785 Views
I did enjoy watching the Giants this season *NM* - 30/01/2018 07:24:46 PM 476 Views
touché - 30/01/2018 07:37:30 PM 835 Views
There was a point where I almost fel sorry for Eli - 30/01/2018 08:16:18 PM 874 Views
He has two Super Bowl Rings - 31/01/2018 01:05:10 PM 824 Views
He still has that face and his defense carried him to those rings *NM* - 31/01/2018 06:41:00 PM 491 Views
Nobody cares about faces when the lights are out. - 31/01/2018 08:01:52 PM 819 Views
Oooh when Damookster sees this - 31/01/2018 08:07:57 PM 803 Views
*NM* - 31/01/2018 08:08:57 PM 476 Views
Pretty is always a light switch away *NM* - 01/02/2018 02:46:09 PM 474 Views
Like my grandpa told me when I was 11: - 01/02/2018 03:14:08 PM 832 Views
I like his face - 31/01/2018 08:07:33 PM 765 Views
This is true. - 31/01/2018 08:22:59 PM 777 Views
I'd happily take it off - 31/01/2018 08:29:30 PM 803 Views
I will have to bow to your expertise on this one - 01/02/2018 02:54:18 PM 837 Views
Why do you hate him? - 01/02/2018 04:19:10 PM 781 Views
lots of good reasons - 01/02/2018 05:10:45 PM 787 Views
If it makes you feel any better - 01/02/2018 05:30:42 PM 767 Views
My daughter wants to move to New York when she finshes school - 01/02/2018 06:39:06 PM 844 Views
No! They suck! - 01/02/2018 06:51:44 PM 773 Views
at least the Yankees win - 01/02/2018 06:57:58 PM 782 Views
This is true. - 02/02/2018 12:54:25 PM 772 Views
Never the Yankees - 01/02/2018 07:33:06 PM 780 Views
No one chooses to be a Jet's fan - 01/02/2018 06:56:49 PM 704 Views
But they have the cool chant where the spell their name - 01/02/2018 07:36:19 PM 777 Views
It does seem like Dez has lost a step or two. - 31/01/2018 03:32:13 PM 758 Views
I have only heard Romo in a few games and I guess I like him - 31/01/2018 06:52:06 PM 831 Views
Yeah I think Romo could have had a lot of fun behind that line and with Zeke. - 31/01/2018 07:58:08 PM 779 Views
He sure coulda had a lot of fun behind me. *NM* - 31/01/2018 08:03:59 PM 442 Views
And me!! - 31/01/2018 08:08:27 PM 761 Views
*NM* - 31/01/2018 08:10:03 PM 400 Views
- 02/02/2018 01:00:27 PM 774 Views
Dirt, Stardust, what's the difference? *NM* - 03/02/2018 06:19:14 AM 434 Views
Neil Gaiman. *NM* - 03/02/2018 03:09:43 PM 463 Views
*NM* - 03/02/2018 06:11:28 PM 426 Views
*NM* - 31/01/2018 08:09:37 PM 416 Views
- 31/01/2018 08:14:43 PM 808 Views
To be honest the last couple of seasons have kind of soured my love of the game - 01/02/2018 03:02:43 PM 762 Views
Go Cocks!!! - 31/01/2018 05:03:50 AM 782 Views
Well now, as a gay man, I can't disagree with your sentiment. - 31/01/2018 01:04:40 PM 751 Views
*NM* - 31/01/2018 03:29:21 PM 428 Views
- 31/01/2018 05:18:53 PM 794 Views
Everybody wins in a cock fight! *NM* - 31/01/2018 08:41:11 PM 408 Views
*NM* - 31/01/2018 08:48:35 PM 423 Views
The South Carolina Gamecocks! - 01/02/2018 05:27:24 AM 858 Views
During the game? How risque - 01/02/2018 12:48:36 PM 796 Views
Greg is always game for cock! *NM* - 01/02/2018 12:54:32 PM 444 Views
You know it! - 01/02/2018 01:22:09 PM 758 Views
Or you can have your team mascot become dirty because language evolves - 01/02/2018 03:15:55 PM 793 Views
It is? Don't make me google. What does it now mean?! *NM* - 01/02/2018 04:52:54 PM 418 Views
it is a hand with all the fingers extended except the ring finger - 01/02/2018 05:16:16 PM 731 Views
Ewww. Distasteful. *NM* - 01/02/2018 05:19:58 PM 425 Views
*clutches his pearls* - 01/02/2018 05:31:15 PM 766 Views
The pink part getting to you? *NM* - 01/02/2018 06:40:29 PM 394 Views
Can buy a 'foam finger' version - 01/02/2018 06:07:27 PM 803 Views
Soccer and Football questions mixed?! Okay! - 31/01/2018 08:05:32 PM 758 Views
I'd pay for that - 31/01/2018 08:09:01 PM 766 Views
This thread might set a new record for these *NM* - 31/01/2018 08:11:52 PM 449 Views
I like records - 31/01/2018 08:15:40 PM 761 Views
I know! He's got a really big... - 31/01/2018 08:21:36 PM 740 Views
Oh, 'Mookie. Why do you tempt me into besting myself in every post from now until the end of time? - 31/01/2018 08:20:32 PM 717 Views
Your skills - 31/01/2018 08:23:48 PM 814 Views
I got 'em, it's true. Everybody swipes right on me. - 31/01/2018 08:26:07 PM 747 Views
Instigating. It's what I do. *NM* - 31/01/2018 08:28:07 PM 433 Views
I'm going to spam your Facebook wall. - 31/01/2018 08:32:52 PM 757 Views
Hmmm - 31/01/2018 08:50:26 PM 803 Views
*fans himself* - 01/02/2018 12:49:19 PM 812 Views
It will be done! - 01/02/2018 12:50:07 PM 799 Views
Ooooh. - 01/02/2018 12:54:27 PM 809 Views
that's great - 01/02/2018 03:49:02 PM 801 Views
Buddha was not a god - 01/02/2018 04:20:47 PM 756 Views
Oh, girl, you better get her the number for the burn unit! - 01/02/2018 04:52:16 PM 742 Views
LOL - 01/02/2018 05:32:06 PM 776 Views
Wait 'til tomorrow, when our theme is....Freaky Friday! *NM* - 01/02/2018 04:51:03 PM 427 Views
Ah Jesus Joseph and Mary - 01/02/2018 05:32:35 PM 822 Views
Go Sweden! - 02/02/2018 05:27:09 AM 743 Views
Are there hot men on the Swedish team? - 02/02/2018 12:55:17 PM 754 Views
Giant Meteor 2018 - 02/02/2018 08:46:49 AM 893 Views
Conspiracy theories? - 02/02/2018 12:58:32 PM 759 Views
If by "keeps sucking" you mean "ended two of Bradys last four seasons" yeah, we keep sucking - 03/02/2018 06:04:29 AM 819 Views
More jealously and bitterness. Laughable. - 03/02/2018 03:08:22 PM 814 Views
Who else is looking forward to the return of the XFL? - 02/02/2018 12:27:17 PM 812 Views
The what? - 02/02/2018 12:59:16 PM 754 Views
They're bringing that back? *NM* - 03/02/2018 11:13:41 PM 448 Views
Can they both loose? - 02/02/2018 03:19:07 PM 796 Views
No. But considering how much the rest of the US outside hates my team. - 02/02/2018 03:37:28 PM 803 Views
Only in the regular season, hence Giant Meteor 2018 - 03/02/2018 09:27:18 PM 861 Views
OMG, OMG, OMG...WestWorld Season 2 Trailer will be a commercial during the big game! - 02/02/2018 07:03:48 PM 813 Views
I'm looking forward to it. - 03/02/2018 03:09:03 PM 786 Views

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