Active Users:2977 Time:22/01/2025 09:38:29 PM
Ill put you for a minimum of 20! - Edit 1

Before modification by The Shrike at 12/01/2018 05:08:43 PM

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Long ago in the year 2005 wotmaniacs began a 50 book a year challenge. It's something I have continued, with success most years and some shortfalls - namely last year when I rediscovered the joys of Civilization V. It also has come in handy as I have a lovely Word document listing every book I have read since 2005 (before 2005 I have a list going back to 1999 in paper form).

So anyone else still doing this 50 book challenge? Anyone else remember it? Obviously many of you are married and stuff (stuff=little people creation) so I understand your reading hours are not as prolific as before.

Maybe we should resurrect it! I know reddit has a 52 book challenge but 50 is a nicer, rounder number.
And push for higher

There's no chance in hell I'd be able to get near 50, though. 12 should be doable, especially with my teacher summer vacation. Perhaps I can manage 20. Count me in for that!

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