Or at least he pursued them well into his adulthood. Will I vote for a Democrat for the first time since Zell Miller in Georgia?
Time will tell!
On the bright side I saw a half-naked woman this morning on my way to work.
(my title is only half serious)
Sure women can be just as nasty at times, see article I link to: https://deadspin.com/teen-girl-posed-for-8-years-as-married-man-to-write-abo-1820305588
But there seems to be less icky behavior from women generally——
... and if we are not going to have social norms saying this behavior is not okay, regardless of political party than I rather have the other gender in power.
I do not care if this is Weiner, Moore, Hastert, Foley, etc. Stay away from children and teens.
As for the media, publication, hollywood etc one MAJOR point for you we need to talk about!
Stop sexualizing actual children and teens!