I only buy books that I intend to keep in my personal library because I love them or they are classic or good for reference.
I use the local library and if I happen to check out a book that I feel that I have to have in my library (and I have to really love it) then I will go out and buy one for my own.
The local library has a place where people can drop off books they own and others can take them home to keep. I was delighted to pick up a bound volume of The Golden Bough for my personal library this way.
My parents left behind a bunch of paperback Mysteries and Westerns as well as other books that I am planning to either take to the same drop off at the local library or taking to the Salvation Army. I have 6 big boxes of books so I might just take some to each place.
Do you donate your books, try to sell them at your next garage sale, or do you hold on to them on the off chance you might want to reference them again in the future?
What is your reasoning for why you do whatever it is that you do with your books once you've read them?
My wife and I have a ton of books that we have read, intend to read, or have acquired but will likely never read. So I've always got this drive to get rid of old books but there's also something in me that just likes to keep old books around. A library or second hand book store would undoubtedly get more use out of them. So, what's your thoughts about your dusty old tomes?
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