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As Tom replied when I posted this on Facebook, and yet Keith Richard is still alive.
As Tom replied when I posted this on Facebook, and yet Keith Richard is still alive.
Not sure if that's true. He looks like he died years ago.
For any of you young ones who may not be familiar with Fats, the link is to 25 of his greatest hits. Well worth a listen, whether you've heard them before or not.
As I knew nothing of him.
R.I.P. Fats Domino, The Louisiana Fat Man
25/10/2017 08:39:06 PM
Everything before the British Invasion seems very old to people these days
26/10/2017 05:18:31 PM
I didn't realize he was still alive until my brother told my he'd resently given a concert...
28/10/2017 12:53:59 AM