Before modification by The Shrike at 25/08/2017 06:56:30 PM
Especially since because your FB posts are public, whenever one of my FB friends comments on it, I see it in my feed. I think you're far enough on the left that you're not able to see the merits of things on the right.This is why moderates are needed - they can see both sides.
The value in centrism (and if you want to know what it is you need to look at foreign politics or historical politics in the US) is that it offers a viable alternative to the winner take all politics of the extremes (which I do consider you to be a part of within the context of US politics). I think the US needs more than two parties. Or at least parties that offer something for the Social Liberals/Economic Conservatives - the former Northeast Republicans. Maybe once the social issues are settled a viable third party and return to moderation will occur. But until such time as there is a FDP party (Germany) or Liberal Democrat party (UK) or En Marche! (France) in the US, then centrist views will remain unrepresented at the national level. The Greens and Libertarians here don't count.
Lastly, I find the claim that the truth varies according to our values to be absurd, although I recognize that it is a view espoused by many intelligent and educated people, you and Brooks included. Our perception varies according to our values. That which we perceive is immutable.
You need more Existential philosophy in your life. Sartre would be a good start.
There are many truths. That which is true now - Slavery is an evil - was not always the truth. I wonder in the future, when meat can be grown in vats, if we will be judged harshly for the way we treat animals now.