Mookie I understand where you are coming from, and I appreciate it
But I am also horrified you just said that...Let me explain why. Watch this youtube clip I gave below.
If you saw the rest of the Newsroom (Sidepoint: Wonderful show when they stop talking about politics in the newscast, but instead shifted the focus to the characters, it was a wonderful show in those scenes). Well if you know what happens to Sloan and Don in the rest of the show you will now understand why I am completely creeped out and horrified by the very kind words you give me mookie.
And mookie if you have not seen the Newsroom find a way to watch it. It is 25 episodes so 25 hours of video. Those 25 hours are told in 3 seasons and thus is like a 3 act play. Well the themes of the show are wonderful and there are lots of great 5 minutes of pure joy scattered through the 25 hours. And lots of bad scenes as well, but overall the show is great if you realize before hand lots of the stuff is bad but the great stuff makes up for it.
Side note. My younger sister, the oldest of two sisters I have (the oldest died several years ago) well my sister the 2nd of 4 kids, well she is very much like Sloan Sabbith the girl in the video clip.
Not show in the 1st video, but the person I am about to show you in a 2nd video is a person I am more alike. The person I am about to show is the main character Will McAvoy...aka I am an asshole but I am getting better. But you can make the point about the whole cast this way, we are all assholes in our own way but we are constantly getting better, and constantly reinventing ourselves while retaining most of our ESSENCE yet we become more true to ourselves and more holistic by incorporating the advice of others and shedding some of our fears and not letting our fears control us.
Here is the 2nd video clip I wanted to share.
Note I love Aaron Sorkin's writting but no one talks that way in real life. Oh and Sorkin can be kind of a PITA in his own way
So the thought I wanted to end with Mookie is that I am horrified that you just gave me a Nice Guy speech. That said if I am ever in Connecticut I will take you up on that Toto's Vodka and I will try the drink that you are going to mix with the vodka.