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Absolutely agree on all counts *NM* Cannoli Send a noteboard - 27/07/2017 06:40:03 AM

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First, of course, they are mentally unwell. The very notion that so-called "transgender" people must be lumped into the same category with, and treated with equal deference as, gay people, is a slap in the face to gays and everything they've had to put up with.

It's a slap in the face because the exact arguments that helped to convince intolerant people to accept gays are now being turned around, and the positions are being reversed, in the case of trannies. The gay rights movement was able to convincingly prove that gay people do not "choose" to be gay, but rather, are born that way. To try to "pray the gay away" or repress their nature would be to deny reality.

By contrast, the pro-trannie movement is saying that "gender is a social construct". Well, actually, it's a grammatical construct. People don't have a gender; they have a sex. People are XX (female) or XY (male) (yes, there's sometimes an extra chromosome for XYY and XXX). Denying this reality is as much a denial of reality as denying the reality that people are born gay. Furthermore, if "gender is a social construct", then it's possible to "pray the trans away" and fully possible for church groups to work to end "trans identity". It also means that as society we can dictate "cisnormality" without any problem.

If groups within society want to indulge in the fantasy that these mostly mentally disturbed people engage in, that's fine. If people find transgressive acts sexually interesting, fine. No one's stopping anyone from playing games in bed or even in life to the extent people want to recognize it. The problem comes along when they want official recognition of their delusion.

What will come next? Will we need to put litter boxes in bathrooms for people who self-identify as cats? Can I collect social security if I self-identify as 65 or older? Can I force my will into probate if I self-identify as dead? Do I get affirmative action treatment applying for college if I self-identify as black? Just because Bruce Jenner mutilated himself doesn't ipso facto give him the right to use the women's bathroom. We can all call him a "she" and use the name "Caitlyn" (or however the hell he spells it) but it doesn't change the fact that he's a man who mutilated his body and is taking massive amounts of hormones to make the delusion he is, in fact, a woman, a more real delusion.

There are a few people who were born with signs of hermaphrodism who might have been "misassigned" at birth, though with genetic testing this is becoming rarer. However, the vast majority of these people are mentally very unwell. It was only under massive pressure from social justice shitheads that psychiatrists were essentially forced, in 2013, to stop treating this particular mental illness as such. It doesn't stop the rampant suicide rates, of course, but I'm sure Leftists everywhere are so proud of how "tolerant" they are (until people like Jenner then self-identify as conservatives - then they're evil).

The point is that the military doesn't let anyone serve with serious mental disorders. It also doesn't let people who need that level of medication serve, because if someone's cut off by the Taliban for a month somewhere the last thing we should be wasting time caring about is whether a tranny is getting his meds.

I have zero sympathy on this issue. I think it's offensive to gay people to try to put their rights and issues in the same basket as those of these basket cases. There should be no mandated special treatment to recognize what is in essence a delusion. If people want to voluntarily recognize them, that's fine. Wonderful. But that's about it. Good for the Pentagon, good job President Trump, and let's get back to having the military do what it's supposed to be there doing - fighting wars.

“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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Thoughts on the internet outrage over Trump's transgenders in the military announcement - 26/07/2017 05:42:34 PM 854 Views
Maybe because.... - 26/07/2017 06:08:16 PM 411 Views
I get that - 26/07/2017 06:12:35 PM 411 Views
I don't think that your reasoning is flawed.... - 26/07/2017 06:31:06 PM 469 Views
bottom line - 26/07/2017 06:40:36 PM 427 Views
*shrug* - 26/07/2017 07:05:17 PM 382 Views
I dare say a lot of the rhetoric is seriously over the top... - 26/07/2017 06:13:59 PM 416 Views
like I replied to Jeo, I don't see this as a betrayal of the LGBT cause - 26/07/2017 06:19:01 PM 446 Views
LGB is not the same as T. We need to stop treating it all the same. - 26/07/2017 06:58:05 PM 414 Views
No the least of which... - 26/07/2017 07:06:21 PM 461 Views
Physical mutilation is a more appropriate word. - 26/07/2017 07:07:33 PM 413 Views
You're correct.... - 26/07/2017 09:28:20 PM 399 Views
Not always, keep that in mind. - 26/07/2017 07:35:34 PM 424 Views
I would still consider that.... - 26/07/2017 09:02:36 PM 435 Views
John McCain is the Left's favorite RINO - 26/07/2017 08:09:41 PM 458 Views
He's not a RINO. Just built his career on being independent-minded. - 26/07/2017 09:49:32 PM 459 Views
I really don't see the independence. Where is it? - 27/07/2017 01:33:27 AM 412 Views
So which is it, is he a RINO or a faithful Republican foot soldier? - 27/07/2017 08:08:04 PM 456 Views
RINOs are a pack. - 28/07/2017 12:46:44 AM 419 Views
Agreed with McCain - 27/07/2017 03:35:06 PM 423 Views
It makes eminent sense why trannies shouldn't be allowed. - 26/07/2017 06:57:00 PM 431 Views
I tried to keep my points to the logic of excluding an 18 yr old trans person - 26/07/2017 07:16:37 PM 471 Views
I don't have any desire to stop people from doing it - 26/07/2017 07:32:08 PM 405 Views
I agree - 26/07/2017 07:59:18 PM 485 Views
Absolutely agree on all counts *NM* - 27/07/2017 06:40:03 AM 235 Views
You don't need to be 'straight' to fight and die for your country. You just need to shoot straight. - 27/07/2017 10:14:11 PM 408 Views
You're an idiot. *NM* - 28/07/2017 12:47:21 AM 241 Views
You also need to pass some sort of physical standards - 28/07/2017 03:52:14 AM 444 Views
So I was reading.... - 26/07/2017 09:07:11 PM 429 Views
This is part of my point - 26/07/2017 09:47:39 PM 428 Views
The rate goes down significantly after transition. - 26/07/2017 11:24:50 PM 413 Views
Bullshit. - 27/07/2017 01:40:05 AM 528 Views
I also like that study because it uses correct terminology: transsexual, sex-reassigned. - 27/07/2017 01:42:19 AM 434 Views
Gender has had a non-grammatical meaning since the 1950s, and you know it. - 27/07/2017 03:05:09 AM 416 Views
And people misuse the subjunctive all the time. Your point? - 27/07/2017 04:57:19 AM 410 Views
Re: And people misuse the subjunctive all the time. Your point? - 27/07/2017 02:13:57 PM 418 Views
That's not necessarily a biological difference - 27/07/2017 05:03:30 PM 455 Views
or liposuction or laser fat removal too. *NM* - 27/07/2017 05:06:56 PM 253 Views
Facelifts, tummy tucks, collagen implants, nose jobs... *NM* - 27/07/2017 05:09:01 PM 234 Views
which should then close the debate on the original question - 27/07/2017 05:07:34 AM 438 Views
Exactly. *NM* - 27/07/2017 01:26:48 PM 247 Views
Well, to the extent that it covers people with dysphoria, sure. - 27/07/2017 02:26:26 PM 389 Views
As I said above, Viagra treats a dysfunction - 27/07/2017 05:08:19 PM 425 Views
also, to a point you made earlier - 27/07/2017 05:39:32 PM 380 Views
So let me understand your position correctly via asking a few questions - 28/07/2017 04:01:50 AM 439 Views
Too long - 28/07/2017 01:54:11 PM 419 Views
The main reason for the post was the standard you created - 28/07/2017 05:00:27 PM 392 Views
Reductio ad absurdum, Roland? - 28/07/2017 05:29:23 PM 399 Views
I know Tom and Cannoli don't care, but on the off chance that you do... - 29/07/2017 12:39:16 AM 415 Views
I didn't realize that - 29/07/2017 01:10:30 AM 369 Views
Also trivia - 29/07/2017 01:22:37 AM 377 Views
No worries. I'm not offended. I just thought you might want to know. *NM* - 29/07/2017 02:32:01 AM 211 Views
Thanks - 29/07/2017 03:25:08 AM 372 Views
I don't? *NM* - 29/07/2017 08:23:14 AM 242 Views
Girlfriend Mookie, you are projecting onto me. - 29/07/2017 01:17:47 AM 433 Views
I absolutely respect you, Roland/Matt - 29/07/2017 01:40:28 AM 352 Views
We are cool - 29/07/2017 02:36:00 AM 413 Views
Blah blah blah and now I am showing off like an asshole - 29/07/2017 02:52:48 AM 386 Views
you're a nice guy, Roland00 - 29/07/2017 03:22:15 AM 397 Views
OMG mookie gave me the Nice Guy speech / Good Guy speech - 29/07/2017 07:41:23 PM 346 Views
I've never seen Newsroom - 29/07/2017 08:00:38 PM 385 Views
Teases I'll get you, my pretty, and your little dog too! - 29/07/2017 09:13:30 PM 380 Views
Nah, I'm not that subtle. - 29/07/2017 11:01:39 PM 350 Views
Edit: Double Posted due to bad wifi *NM* - 28/07/2017 04:01:51 AM 210 Views
Serving its end: As long as everyone argues over this, no one talks about Trumpcare nor Russiagate - 27/07/2017 10:05:00 PM 370 Views
Joel, seriously - 29/07/2017 08:33:14 PM 410 Views
No the real boogeymen are the ones we do not see with our eyes, but are still lurking in the shadows - 29/07/2017 09:16:34 PM 349 Views
And Rejoice - 29/07/2017 09:17:42 PM 386 Views
Everybody Is Missing The Mark Here - 29/07/2017 10:25:04 PM 477 Views
Nice comments. Thanks for that explanation. *NM* - 29/07/2017 11:15:29 PM 230 Views
Also, For the Record - 30/07/2017 08:02:58 AM 433 Views
Incite or Insight *NM* - 01/08/2017 06:30:28 AM 214 Views

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