Some people claim to have liked it, it's got a 78% rating at Rotten Tomatoes, but I found it to be a slog. Incredibly star-studded. So many stars, and they all had their moment. It came out shortly after Saving Private Ryan, and I thought it would be similar, but no... The main character(s) looked so similar that their characterization was hard to follow, I really couldn't follow the story at all. Maybe that was intentional?
In any case, one of my best friends came with me to the thing, and wanted to leave about 45 minutes in when nothing had really happened yet. I kept saying "It's going to get good in a little bit". He kept saying "let's leave" and I kept keeping us there. He still gives me a hard time about it to this day.
The Thin Red Line.
If you prefer a more conventional 'bad movie' - I saw Tommy Wiseau's The Room in the theater, but it was a screening with the MST3K guys making fun of it the entire time, so I"m not sure that counts.