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Contrarian & deconstructionist fashions Cannoli Send a noteboard - 26/06/2017 11:13:55 AM

I just read them through once, so I don't have the knowledge to address the points in-story, but I remember feeling sorry for them, mostly because of the way the faculty shit on them. That bit with awarding Gryffindor juuuust enough points for Harry, Ron & Hermione engaging in that otherwise pointless adventure in the basement to beat Slytherin, at that last minute was some serious favoritism bullshit. Also, because of the trope you referenced where they suck so hard, you balk at what the author plainly wants you to think, and start looking for the good in them.

And nowadays the "cool" thing to do is explain why the author or heroes of something you love, are doing something wrong. Go around on the internet and you can find posts or even essays or Youtube videos explaining why the Old Republic deserved to be overthrown, or the Jedi are plainly evil, or Gondor is a repressive, fascist theocracy, while Mordor is all marginalized and excluded, and can't be blamed for their aggression.

“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
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What the hell is with people's fondness for Slytherin? - 26/06/2017 09:48:07 AM 1059 Views
Contrarian & deconstructionist fashions - 26/06/2017 11:13:55 AM 708 Views
I got placed into Slytherin at Pottermore back in the day. - 26/06/2017 01:30:13 PM 710 Views
Re: I got placed into Slytherin at Pottermore back in the day. - 26/06/2017 05:43:34 PM 693 Views
Your replies do show a large streak of Slytherinesque views. I think you were mishoused. - 26/06/2017 06:06:09 PM 711 Views
Nah. I have vague glimmerings of a conscience. Disqualifying trait for House Sociopath. *NM* - 26/06/2017 06:08:44 PM 383 Views
Ah I see. You're in denial. In the closet as it were. - 26/06/2017 06:27:37 PM 511 Views
Yet you're studying for the bar so you can join Profession Sociopath. - 26/06/2017 07:56:47 PM 652 Views
Ugh. Don't remind me. *NM* - 26/06/2017 07:58:03 PM 370 Views
Meanwhile future "sociopath" - 28/06/2017 12:20:27 PM 560 Views
I'm going into public defense. Don't be too proud of yourself. - 28/06/2017 08:31:04 PM 657 Views
Just a self-righteous and masochistic form of sociopath. *NM* - 28/06/2017 10:05:18 PM 455 Views
But intensely charitable in its sociopathy! - 28/06/2017 10:54:14 PM 536 Views
Voldemort came from Slytherin. He was awesome. - 26/06/2017 01:50:46 PM 636 Views
*NM* - 26/06/2017 05:44:33 PM 401 Views
One of the rather few things in the series that I'd say Rowling got wrong... - 26/06/2017 07:32:43 PM 632 Views
I agree with most of this. - 27/06/2017 01:03:19 AM 705 Views
As a fellow "Never Slytherin"... - 27/06/2017 12:22:17 AM 889 Views
Re: As a fellow "Never Slytherin"... - 27/06/2017 01:15:15 AM 619 Views
Perhaps the houses - 28/06/2017 01:44:35 AM 614 Views
Anti-hype? - 27/06/2017 10:35:22 AM 632 Views
Ok, so, everybody beat me to it - 27/06/2017 10:45:33 AM 607 Views
Nossy you are our hufflepuff - 28/06/2017 01:47:40 AM 590 Views
Re: Anti-hype? - 27/06/2017 03:24:12 PM 632 Views
Re: Anti-hype? - 28/06/2017 03:21:59 AM 481 Views
Re: Anti-hype? - 28/06/2017 01:14:09 PM 557 Views
Stop it, you are meant to enjoy the books not analyze them to death. - 28/06/2017 01:40:41 AM 547 Views
I don't watch anime. RWBY is safe. *NM* - 28/06/2017 03:12:56 AM 308 Views
Hun, that product is made in America it is not Anime - 28/06/2017 03:17:45 AM 555 Views
That's anime. I don't watch anime or its derivatives. But if you want me to criticize it... *NM* - 28/06/2017 03:23:01 AM 360 Views
Perhaps you should watch it - 28/06/2017 03:29:59 AM 499 Views

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