Active Users:2109 Time:22/01/2025 09:20:46 PM
Beam me up. The Shrike Send a noteboard - 19/06/2017 01:26:18 PM

This feels REALLY weird, by the way. Let’s see if I remember how it works.
  1. When did you first come to wotmania, now RAFO?

Very late 2000. During the Winter's Heart giveaway.

2. Of all the things which have changed in your life since then, which would surprise that past self the most?

That I am married.

3. Which former member(s) would you most like to see posting again?

Nekro. He amused me greatly. And I enjoyed his view point.
Spoonman. He was fun.

4. Which former member(s) are you most curious about? (In terms of where they ended up, etc.)

None really. I pretty much have them all on Facebook or Instagram.

5. Tell me about something new you tried lately (author, food, product, experience, anything) that impressed you with its awesomeness.

Vienna is an amazing city in retrospect. Had the chance to visit last year.

6. Do you keep a regular journal/diary? Have you ever done so?

I kept a journal in my pre FB days. It was on paper.

7. Describe your dream home library.

One iPad full of non-fiction. One iPad full of fiction. Beautiful windows looking out onto the ocean facing west. A fireplace. A comfortable wingback chair.

8. If you could learn any language overnight, which would it be?

French. For the literature and culture.

9. What is your favorite mixed drink?

Cape Cod. Cranberry juice, vodka, lime wedge. It's refreshing.

10. If you could go back in time to yourself at any age and deliver some advice (with assurances that your actions would not trigger any world-ending paradoxes), what would it be?

Keep up with the German daily past 2002.

This message last edited by The Shrike on 19/06/2017 at 01:29:05 PM
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A survey for the after-times - 18/06/2017 09:34:45 AM 1059 Views
Another girl! - 18/06/2017 09:56:00 AM 642 Views
Now theah ah too of dem! {Nemoidian accent} - 18/06/2017 11:04:02 PM 693 Views
I suppose I'll answer... - 18/06/2017 12:34:50 PM 640 Views
after times? - 18/06/2017 01:11:10 PM 713 Views
We're on gin & tonic, if you feel like starting. - 18/06/2017 07:30:13 PM 601 Views
That was sort of tongue in cheek - 18/06/2017 11:25:06 PM 621 Views
My answers - 18/06/2017 04:17:45 PM 671 Views
Regarding Russian - 19/06/2017 01:42:24 PM 624 Views
Apps? - 20/06/2017 02:22:59 PM 581 Views
I like your suggestion better. *NM* - 20/06/2017 03:29:07 PM 384 Views
Answers from prior times - 18/06/2017 10:06:39 PM 568 Views
Gay people. - 19/06/2017 01:44:32 PM 804 Views
Re: A survey for the after-times - 18/06/2017 11:16:48 PM 641 Views
Been a long time since we last had a good survey. - 19/06/2017 01:33:51 AM 702 Views
I feel like breaking your survey and having a conversation instead. - 19/06/2017 01:38:16 AM 579 Views
Re: A survey for the after-times - 19/06/2017 05:37:05 AM 787 Views
I will answer this myself while pondering the other responses. - 19/06/2017 11:47:43 AM 736 Views
I'm flattered - 19/06/2017 02:13:59 PM 539 Views
Beam me up. - 19/06/2017 01:26:18 PM 623 Views
Clover. Its been so long! - 19/06/2017 02:10:02 PM 606 Views
Danae al'Thor? - 19/06/2017 05:02:45 PM 605 Views
That's the one! - 19/06/2017 05:15:27 PM 519 Views
I'll play - 19/06/2017 03:49:06 PM 670 Views
Re: A survey for the after-times - 19/06/2017 07:59:22 PM 623 Views
Re: A survey for the after-times - 20/06/2017 10:49:26 PM 809 Views
I guess I should reply. - 21/06/2017 08:44:59 PM 679 Views
Answers as of today times. - 22/06/2017 12:29:39 PM 697 Views
Really? - 24/06/2017 12:06:12 AM 590 Views
But it's dog years - 24/06/2017 01:02:46 AM 622 Views
Yeah, that's it! The paws! Let's blame the paws. *NM* - 24/06/2017 02:20:38 AM 357 Views
Oh, lord have mercy. Typo. The shame! The shame! - 24/06/2017 02:20:02 AM 602 Views
And you call yourself literate... - 25/06/2017 06:35:32 PM 658 Views

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