Active Users:381 Time:28/02/2025 07:58:37 PM
Yup. Isn't it shocking? Legolas Send a noteboard - 14/06/2017 09:18:45 PM

View original postYou persist in the delusion that those numbers have any legal meaning whatsoever. In fact, they are distorted by one state with extreme political views and practices, which is locked down by the Democrats. Republicans were not on the ballot in the Senate race in California, where the Democratic winner received 7.5 million votes, and the loser, ALSO A DEMOCRAT, received 4.7 million votes. That, in case your math skills are no better than your research skills, comes to over 12 million votes, in an election with no Republican candidate. Now let's talk about that 11 million vote majority, if you're done playing moron.

Really? I'm the one who began with the 'record numbers at every level of government' nonsense? Oh wait, that was the author of the article.

Of course Senate numbers don't mean much if anything because there's only races in a limited number of states each time. But 'record numbers at every level of government' manages to put two stupid and instantly disproven hyperboles (also if you interpret 'numbers' as electoral college votes / Senate seats, by the way) in the space of seven words, neither of which was even required for the point at hand. Which I believe I already mentioned in the previous post, so it's funny how you throw in the 'persist in the delusion that those numbers have any legal meaning whatsoever' bit. The whole point is that since the numbers don't matter anyway, why bother to lie about them in such a transparent way? Which, yeah, very much reminiscent of Trump's thing about the Inauguration Day crowd size, and many other things since.

View original postHey, kettle, the pot is filing an anti-defamation suit against you. At this point, "Trumpian" is a step up for you or the people from whom you get your talking points.

Now you're just spouting random insults? I expect better from you than that.
View original postWhich is to the point of the article, that the left is deranged and going to extremes.

Yes, it certainly is. Funny, isn't it, how I actually agree with the parts of the article that aren't nonsense? I'm sure there are other articles on the same general theme that I actually could have subscribed to with few if any disagreements.
View original postAnd that's an obnoxiously disingenuous distinction. Not that Pelosi and co are above using extreme rhetoric concerning Trump & supporters, but they also benefit by the media's extremism and voluntarily undertaking the role of attack dogs for the Democrats. Obama was able to cruise through his campaigns taking the high road, because journalists would do his mudslinging for him. One e-mail was leaked of a journalist in 2008 to colleagues suggesting that they "make an example" of one of Obama's critics, to smear and trash such a person, in order to send a message that strong criticism would not be tolerated, and the e-mail was rife with violent imagery, like smashing their hypothetical victim through a window and hitting him with a cinder block. Republicans are demonized for connections to violence that exists only in left-wing heads, while Democrats and Leftists commit the overwhelming majority of political violence.

Of course Pelosi and the rest of the leadership are mudslinging, and constantly attacking Trump and Republicans in an ugly partisan way. But that is pretty standard fare in American (or other) politics, and still a long way from hoping that someone resorts to violence, much less actually encouraging that. I don't believe for a moment that either party's leadership has the intention of encouraging violence against the other side. I quite agree with the author that unstable individuals may resort to violence as a result of polarization, even so, but as for the leaders' intent, no. And I happen to think that that is a very important distinction.

View original postBut Sarah Palin telling supporter to do research on issues because "I want you armed" for a political debate IS a call to violence, as was her use of a map with crosshairs on Democratic districts the GOP hoped to flip in a coming election.

The 'I want you armed' thing doesn't ring a bell, but as for the crosshairs thing, you're right that she didn't deserve the crap she got for that.
View original postAnd if you can find ANY evidence that Loughner shared actual political principles with the Tea Party, let people know. You'll get a chair at the Columbia School of Journalism, if not a Pulitzer.

I didn't mean to link Loughner to the Tea Party at all, I was just pointing out that 'hates GW Bush' doesn't mean you're left-wing, and taking the first example that came to mind. But okay, your interpretation is reasonable enough, my bad for poor phrasing.
View original postAnd violence in self-defense is not a real solution to violence, I suppose? It was Sophie Scholl who brought down the Nazis, not Patton?

View original postAt this point, it's well beyond calls for civility. It's one thing not to turn the other cheek, but the Right ran out of cheeks more than 50 years ago.

Uh, if you're saying that the right reaction to things like what happened in DC this morning is to have more violence and slowly move towards civil war, then fuck no. If not, and I sure hope not, I'm not really sure what you are trying to say here.
View original postWHAT REPUBLICANS HAVE BEEN DOING THIS STUFF? Aside from an atheistic drug user blowing up the Alfred E Murrah building, there are no acts of political violence by Republicans or Conservatives. Even the only Democratic president ever to be assassinated, was killed by a communist, and it is Democrats who are most supportive of the terrorist demographics. In the haste to protect Muslims, leftists love to point out that most of the terrorism in the US is committed by white people, almost all of whom are Democratic constituents, like environmentalists. To find a Republican committing political violence, you have to go back to President Garfield, who was explicitly killed by a supporter of his more radical vice president.

I was not talking about actual acts of political violence, and neither was the author, having written this article as Joe said about 10 days ago. It's about political demonization and how this can lead unstable individuals into political violence. Which, absolutely, both sides are very much guilty of.

But as for your paragraph, that's basically a long way of saying 'people who do bad stuff aren't on my side therefore my side never did any bad stuff', which while I guess logically sound is also pretty useless. We are fortunately still a long way off from the point where people on one side or the other hear about acts of political violence and go 'oh well done, I really identify with that guy and what he's done!'. Which is one of the many reasons why the Nazi-era comparisons are stupid.

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The Left Won’t Rest Until Someone Gets Killed - 14/06/2017 02:47:58 PM 1767 Views
Totally agreed with this article... - 14/06/2017 03:58:40 PM 1059 Views
The funny thing about violence is you can't control it. - 14/06/2017 04:31:35 PM 999 Views
So you thought that would scare me Tom? - 14/06/2017 09:30:34 PM 958 Views
especially since the gunman has been identified - 14/06/2017 05:42:14 PM 1030 Views
And the penny drops... *NM* - 14/06/2017 05:59:30 PM 578 Views
Bernie isn't a Democrat, though - 14/06/2017 06:31:28 PM 999 Views
How embarrassing that he accidentally ran for their presidential nomination! - 14/06/2017 07:18:57 PM 917 Views
Not an accident - 14/06/2017 07:28:12 PM 899 Views
And in Wonder Woman the Movie they wore different hats!!! - 14/06/2017 09:09:57 PM 900 Views
You mean the Clinton cabal stopped him - 15/06/2017 04:22:41 AM 886 Views
I think you give too much credit to the Clintons - 15/06/2017 04:49:26 AM 978 Views
I would have actually respected her more... - 15/06/2017 07:07:08 PM 860 Views
well no other democrats wanted to run against her there was an opening *NM* - 15/06/2017 09:41:50 PM 580 Views
There are valid points, but rather a lot of bullshit inbetween for my taste. - 14/06/2017 07:07:10 PM 1142 Views
Obviously excessive hyperbole is a problem from both sides - 14/06/2017 07:20:59 PM 950 Views
Sure, I will admit that. - 14/06/2017 07:23:24 PM 919 Views
There you go again. - 14/06/2017 07:52:47 PM 979 Views
Yeah, that part sucked.... - 14/06/2017 09:14:10 PM 857 Views
You know what I did? - 15/06/2017 04:16:08 AM 970 Views
Good Idea.... - 15/06/2017 06:59:47 PM 883 Views
Yup. Isn't it shocking? - 14/06/2017 09:18:45 PM 949 Views
I find myself drifting more and more to the right - 14/06/2017 08:26:26 PM 896 Views
I don't, or at least not in an American context, but I agree about the dead horse. - 14/06/2017 09:32:23 PM 999 Views
That's not correct. - 15/06/2017 04:19:06 AM 996 Views
I agree with Tom's premise, if not the content. - 15/06/2017 09:46:57 AM 961 Views
I really should post more. We're letting Tom and Cannoli get away with far too much. *NM* - 15/06/2017 10:12:53 AM 507 Views
YES, YOU SHOULD - 15/06/2017 11:09:34 AM 899 Views
Agreed. *NM* - 15/06/2017 02:45:40 PM 949 Views
It would still be a pretty right-wing site - 15/06/2017 02:58:30 PM 983 Views
funny you would say that - 15/06/2017 03:20:58 PM 966 Views
I so miss Camilla. - 15/06/2017 08:50:36 PM 875 Views
Camilla and the Aussies were our lefty leaders - 15/06/2017 09:04:12 PM 1000 Views
God I miss Wads - 15/06/2017 10:29:38 PM 988 Views
D'oh! *NM* - 15/06/2017 03:20:58 PM 546 Views
*NM* - 15/06/2017 04:37:56 PM 599 Views
I never could tell when you were being sarcastic and when not. On the whole I'm thinking yes. *NM* - 15/06/2017 08:48:54 PM 476 Views
Hmm... I miss Camilla too. - 15/06/2017 08:55:04 PM 772 Views
Sad but true - the left is truly unhinged, full of violence and hate - 15/06/2017 03:36:20 AM 884 Views
I was considering making a post called "what the fuck is wrong with progressives?" - 15/06/2017 06:49:10 AM 1005 Views
It's because they have begun to eat themselves. - 15/06/2017 02:14:23 PM 915 Views
Yeah, but... - 15/06/2017 02:46:51 PM 980 Views
yes, that - 15/06/2017 03:20:00 PM 907 Views
The day I realized that I didn't know every damned thing was when I at last gained a little wisdom. - 15/06/2017 03:30:07 PM 854 Views
I get where you're coming from, but... - 15/06/2017 05:01:13 PM 906 Views
Isn't that a good characterization of much of the Left? - 15/06/2017 04:09:10 PM 863 Views
Maybe? A large section of the academic left, anyway - 15/06/2017 05:17:14 PM 826 Views
Well, yeah - 15/06/2017 04:36:37 PM 918 Views
The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass... - 15/06/2017 10:40:42 PM 989 Views
I can promise you they haven't read their history. - 16/06/2017 12:25:56 AM 775 Views
No offense intended, but have *you* read it carefully? - 16/06/2017 01:41:19 AM 1074 Views
I've read it somewhat carefully. I think I said my point poorly, though. - 16/06/2017 03:23:26 AM 899 Views
An obsession with the rule of law in Weimar Germany? - 16/06/2017 04:26:30 AM 844 Views
She blocked me after telling me to go fuck myself. - 16/06/2017 04:38:43 AM 802 Views
Sounds like a winner, that one - 16/06/2017 02:20:19 PM 939 Views
Poor Weimar. - 16/06/2017 12:32:09 PM 869 Views
Ha! - 16/06/2017 03:00:38 PM 842 Views
Their shenanigans actually hurt their cause. - 15/06/2017 03:32:09 PM 919 Views
Also, they're just puerile. Pussy hats? Seriously? If you want to be taken seriously, dress properly - 16/06/2017 12:36:36 AM 968 Views
A short webcomic for you ghavrel - 16/06/2017 01:54:00 AM 922 Views
Most Americans laugh at "microaggressions" and phrases like "toxic masculinity" - 16/06/2017 04:31:40 AM 772 Views
I unironically use some of those - 16/06/2017 04:42:21 AM 1007 Views
Quit gaslighting me, dude *NM* - 16/06/2017 02:18:17 PM 502 Views
Why do you hate the word gaslighting? - 16/06/2017 08:42:34 PM 843 Views
It's used by progressives whenever someone disagrees with them. - 16/06/2017 11:24:03 PM 983 Views
So let me come at this from a different angle - 17/06/2017 04:48:37 AM 897 Views
You're overthinking this. - 17/06/2017 10:28:47 AM 968 Views
What are you even talking about? - 17/06/2017 11:01:42 AM 1019 Views
POC - 16/06/2017 01:54:31 PM 866 Views
I would assume "POC" meant "piece of crap" - 16/06/2017 02:17:07 PM 851 Views
Point of Contact - 16/06/2017 03:09:26 PM 1068 Views
WTF? "Good needs"? That doesn't even make any sense! - 16/06/2017 05:55:45 PM 941 Views
I have some good needs - 16/06/2017 06:07:35 PM 850 Views
I'll just bet you do. *NM* - 16/06/2017 06:13:23 PM 507 Views
Neither does "handicapped", honestly - 16/06/2017 07:18:15 PM 920 Views
It will stop, the robots will one day take over - 16/06/2017 08:41:03 PM 944 Views
My opinion on this - 16/06/2017 08:39:40 PM 1111 Views
No - 17/06/2017 07:11:17 AM 846 Views
Belas, a rhetorical question, where do monsters come from? *NM* - 17/06/2017 08:58:00 AM 507 Views
These come from institutions of higher "learning" *NM* - 17/06/2017 05:07:47 PM 551 Views
under the bed or in the bedroom closet. d'uh. *NM* - 17/06/2017 05:30:05 PM 509 Views
POP - 16/06/2017 09:07:28 PM 967 Views
Thought you were going to make a People of Penes / Penii joke - 16/06/2017 09:43:31 PM 915 Views
That is the way I started to feel about the conserative movement - 15/06/2017 09:41:07 PM 883 Views
President Mike Pence - 15/06/2017 03:53:15 PM 906 Views
LOL - 15/06/2017 03:56:37 PM 883 Views
Too much Jacobin. Not enough Jacques. - 15/06/2017 09:58:27 PM 953 Views
RAWR, bows down to the sexiness - 15/06/2017 10:45:41 PM 857 Views

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