Who claims that universities are lying about their sexual assault numbers, purposefully inflating them according to Dennis Prager in order to elect Democrats?
Oh Dennis Prager agrees he said those nasty things, but then he claims to be a martyr for while he said those nasty things, he said the counter mockery against Dennis Prager was far worse in his Town Hall column
Aka he agrees but then he tries to change the subject in order to control the controversy of his own making.
He (Dennis Prager) may have points about reality in other areas, but please do not talk about Dennis Prager and universities and women's studies or women's issues or rape culture in the same paragraph. It just is too offensive to my stomach.
But hey Tom you are allowed to cause feelings of indigestion and disgust. It is your american free speech, but Prager has said some quite nasty things over his years in the public eye. This is just one example. But whatever freedom of speech, and freedom to say despicable nasty things.