So you are a fucking idiot for you think that belief is all that matters. You believe that words can't have meanings...which is pure nonsense for words are useful for the exact fact they have meaning.
This is so funny for you argue for judges who believe in a strict reading of a constitution in other posts.
So let me spell this out for you.
Article II, Section 2, Clause 2 need is fulfilled via the Senate's action in Treaty Document 102-38. Aka the senate has already consented to the treaty for the treaty occured in frickin 1992 and we are talking about a voluntary requirement of self monitoring of carbon emissions with voluntary goals of reducing our own carbon emissions with no binding consequences and this was not a treaty but an executive agreement.
And guess what executive agreements and treaties are different things, why is it important for a treaty to have a higher standard than a executive agreement? Because a treaty can have legal consequences that overturn legislative sovereignty but this was not something that was occurring with the Paris Accords. Thus it is not out of bounds for the executive to agree with a voluntary non binding agreement as a point of good faith between nations, for it is good both for internation cooperation via being part of the intranational global agreement.