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Eniariom Send a noteboard

Personal Info

Real name: Shannon
Gender: Female
Age: 41
Country: New Zealand

Contact Info

AIM: Eniariom
Twitter: See what Eniariom has to say on Twitter.


Date joined: Sept. 1, 2009
Messageboard posts:
    * Community: 3

Other Information

I'm here and there and everywhere. Gosh, I feel like such an oldie wotmaniac (guess that's ex-wotmaniac now, isn't it?) having been around since since early 2000 or so, but I'm still alive! My apologies to those who want to see more of'll have to flush me out from my other hideouts. Most of the time I can be found by my other alias, Eniara Kisharad, as the Assistant Director of Research at

On the real life front I moved to New Zealand for graduate school in 2008 and loved it so much that the wife and I moved back permanently in 2010. We have two fur-children, Asha'man and Egwene. I'm now both working for the University of Auckland and doing my master's degree. If they ever decide to film the Wheel of Time here, we're ready and eager to help!

For the greater WoT scene...losing Robert Jordan deflated a lot of my gusto. You often don't realize how much someone means to you until they're gone. I was already backing off a bit from the fandom, but that kind of pushed the envelope. I feel so privileged to have been able to attend an intimate dinner with RJ and Harriet in San Diego a few years back. RJ was a wonderful man and his wife rocks. So do Team Jordan! :) I've assisted with both a signing in San Diego and served as a Memory Keeper at the AMoL launch in Provo. For several years I acted as Hospitality Director for the WoT Track at Dragon*Con. I still keep poking around at and visit a lot of other haunts weekly, but the vast majority of my time and energy have been pulled away into that nefarious thing called Real Life (well, that and playing LotRO...).

Anyway, enough drivel. Drop me a note somewhere if you remember me and want to say hi. I will do my best to catch up as I go popping along.