Active Users:324 Time:28/03/2025 05:34:11 PM

MightyYT Send a noteboard

Personal Info

Real name: James White
Gender: Male
Age: 45
Country: United States


Date joined: Aug. 30, 2009
Messageboard posts:
    * Community: 750
    * Books: 78
    * Wheel of Time: 64
    * TV & Movies: 570
    * Games: 302

Other Information

In the beginning, YT was but small, unknowing, and unassuming. After many years of hardships, YT has grown in to a big, unknowing, and unassuming man.

I can usually be found looking off in the distance with a vacant, yet comprehending look about me in which I seem to know the answer to everything, but just don't care enough to voice aloud. I am like Marvin The Robot, but less depressing, more inspiring, and more fun at parties! ;)