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Journal: Entry for Sacredjustin

O' Discordia

Author: Sacredjustin Send a noteboard

Posted: 05/01/2010 05:49:54 PM

Views: 2228

Things are not so good I must say. Im about to get kicked out of where I live because I did horrible in school and bascially failed/dropped out. I didnt sign up for classes this semester either. The only way I could stay here was if I went to school. My job just cut my hours hardcore and its tough looking for a new one. Things are bad at home, my mother wants a divorce and the fact that I might have to move back in with them wont help matters at all. Im in a bad place right now, not sure where im going to end up in life. I know this wasnt very coherent and i apologize.

Far is solace in the maddening pace, but I shall see it through in time. ~311
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Im sorry justin, could you apply to work at the school? I know my college has a lot of jobs offered to students. Or maybe become an RA, if that's possible, we get free food and board if you're an RA. I almost worked at the cafeteria for my school but now im going to work at the costume shop in the theatre department.

Do you guys have those possibilities? Im sorry about your family, I hope you don't have to go back to them. I really hope everything goes ok, good luck sweety

We've had this discussion.
Things are not so good I must say. Im about to get kicked out of where I live because I did horrible in school and bascially failed/dropped out. I didnt sign up for classes this semester either. The only way I could stay here was if I went to school. My job just cut my hours hardcore and its tough looking for a new one. Things are bad at home, my mother wants a divorce and the fact that I might have to move back in with them wont help matters at all. Im in a bad place right now, not sure where im going to end up in life. I know this wasnt very coherent and i apologize.

YOu need to find a way to stay in college, ven just taking a minimal amount of credits!! *grrr* what the frick is the point of having a warder if they don't listen! someone tel me?? please?? Jo, Danu!!Talk some sense into him. The Man-cub will not listen to me! I am right about this dammit!!
Far is solace in the maddening pace, but I shall see it through in time. ~311
Agreed, becca
He is a muley male thinking with the hairs on his chest. Justin, dearest......STUDY!!!! That's what you've gone to college for!!! YOu have been too busy partying and trying to meet people in your first semester that you haven't applied yourself. I did exactly the same thing in my first year at uni. Totally failed, but then pulled my act into gear and ended up with a GPA of 6.4 (out of 7).

It's all just a matter of applying yourself, dearest. Sign up for the next semester and put a bit more effort into it. And reassure your uncle that you will be knuckling down.
I agree with the other ladies
I'm sorry, berk...but in this country you won't go near as far without a degree. Unless of course you have some sort of special skill you plan to happen to place in just the right hands to make your fortune?

I grieve for you...but you're a smart kid and you can pull through this on top. If you push yourself there.
Stick that in your pip and smoke it, Man-Cub!!
Things are not so good I must say. Im about to get kicked out of where I live because I did horrible in school and bascially failed/dropped out. I didnt sign up for classes this semester either. The only way I could stay here was if I went to school. My job just cut my hours hardcore and its tough looking for a new one. Things are bad at home, my mother wants a divorce and the fact that I might have to move back in with them wont help matters at all. Im in a bad place right now, not sure where im going to end up in life. I know this wasnt very coherent and i apologize.

Man-up, and go TALK to YOUR student ADVISOR to find out how to fix this mess.
Far is solace in the maddening pace, but I shall see it through in time. ~311