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Journal: Entry for sue

I'm SO pissed off!

Author: sue Send a noteboard

Posted: 21/10/2009 08:30:30 PM

Views: 3392

The swedish post office surely lacks communication skills. I recently ordered The Beatles Rockband, and I ordered it to be delivered to my door. My apartment building does not have a code to get in, you have to let people in. So POSTEN, as they are called, calls me up while I'm working, I tell them that I have an art class tonight and asks if they could deliver to another adress. Nope. That's ok. I decide to stay home so I can recieve my excellent new game. They ask me if I have a code or if they should call me when they are there. I tell them to call me. HAVE ANYONE CALLED? No! And now that I've searched at their website for my poor little game, it says "No port code.". I have to go and pick it up, probably! OMFG. WTF?! Not only have I spent a whole evening in anticipation, I also missed a very enjoyable art class. WITH PASTRIES! FUCKIT I'M SO MAD - I'LL PROBABLY CAUSE ANOTHER BREAKING ANY MINUTE NOW!
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Fy fan va trist *NM*
aw come on...
I thought this story would end with someone stealing it from your door. don't worry, be happy ;)
I feel sorry for you.
I hate when things like that happen.
So, did it end up coming, now? I like the Beatles. :approve:
I'm sorry you had to miss your art class. :)
Get the anger out now, before you pick it up
Wouldn't want to break the nice stuff you're getting, so let it all out first.
Slept on it. Still mad.
But yeah, I guess, the game's not stolen or anything. And right now I'm trying to get in touch with the post office. We'll see what happens.
I centrainly don't want to break it! But the drums might be a good start when I get it.

The Beatles are nice... I like 'em too :approve: