Journal: Entry for grogg0316
Things to do before I die:
Author: grogg0316 Send a noteboard
Posted: 02/02/2010 07:28:22 PM
Views: 2858
1) Learn to play piano
2) Learn to play the violin/fiddle
3) Lead a coup of a small nation
4) Finish writing that story I started a bajillion years ago
5) Come up with more things to add to this list.
2) Learn to play the violin/fiddle
3) Lead a coup of a small nation
4) Finish writing that story I started a bajillion years ago
5) Come up with more things to add to this list.
Re: Things to do before I die:
1) Learn to play piano
that would be wonderful, but i can not carry a tune in a bucket.
2) Learn to play the violin/fiddle
I like to take ballet classes again, and bellydancing.
3) Lead a coup of a small nation
I like to just GO to another country- I don't think Nogales,Mexico counts.
4) Finish writing that story I started a bajillion years ago
5) Come up with more things to add to this list.
Re: Things to do before I die:
1) Learn to play piano
2) Learn to play the violin/fiddle
3) Lead a coup of a small nation
4) Finish writing that story I started a bajillion years ago
5) Come up with more things to add to this list.
2) Learn to play the violin/fiddle
3) Lead a coup of a small nation
4) Finish writing that story I started a bajillion years ago
5) Come up with more things to add to this list.
You should create your own will make all things on this list much easier. You could lead an invasion into a neighboring city and steal some musicians to haul back to your micro-nation and then imprison them and force them to teach you their talents in a brief span of time, and lead your coup all within a couple of weeks.