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Journal: Entry for Seriana Sedai


Author: Seriana Sedai Send a noteboard

Posted: 20/12/2009 06:56:45 AM

Views: 2465

I'm wondering if I was a little lame for my son for Christmas. He's growing a lot and has basically outgrown his twin sized bed, so the time was coming that he would need a new one. So I went out and bought the new one and am giving it to him for a Christmas present. I also am buying him some new karate pads that he has wanted, but his old ones are wearing out. The question is whether or not it's cheap to give someone something as a Christmas present that you were going to have to buy them anyway?
I bought him some Bionicles also to make up for the practical presents if that helps.
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I'm wondering if I was a little lame for my son for Christmas. He's growing a lot and has basically outgrown his twin sized bed, so the time was coming that he would need a new one. So I went out and bought the new one and am giving it to him for a Christmas present. I also am buying him some new karate pads that he has wanted, but his old ones are wearing out. The question is whether or not it's cheap to give someone something as a Christmas present that you were going to have to buy them anyway?
I bought him some Bionicles also to make up for the practical presents if that helps.

I'm pretty sure parents have been doing this since there's been a Christmas :P Kids get clothes and socks and underwear and "necessities" under the tree every year. One of the best Christmas presents I can remember was opening up plane tickets to Boston, and that was a trip that my parents had to take and were going to have to bring us on anyway. Now, a trip is a little more exciting than a bed, true, but the underlying issue is the same I think.

You know his personality best...and you know how to sell the bed to get him all excited about it. Get some fun sheets that he'll love too or something. How old is he? Will he buy that Santa brought him a bed? :P

I think he'll be excited to get the new karate pads, and he really won't make the connection to "mom was going to buy me these anyway", he'll just be happy to have them. Especially since he's been asking for them. Same with the bed, really. I just don't think boys are as likely to think that way as girls are. And as long as you have some "just fun" presents thrown in there too, like the Bionicles, I see nothing wrong with this at all. But like I said, you know his personality best. If he does get bent out of shape about it, you can have a parental conversation about the value of money and how much a bed costs and how many toys that would buy but how much longer the bed will last, blah blah blah.

Re: Opinions...
I'm wondering if I was a little lame for my son for Christmas. He's growing a lot and has basically outgrown his twin sized bed, so the time was coming that he would need a new one. So I went out and bought the new one and am giving it to him for a Christmas present. I also am buying him some new karate pads that he has wanted, but his old ones are wearing out. The question is whether or not it's cheap to give someone something as a Christmas present that you were going to have to buy them anyway?
I bought him some Bionicles also to make up for the practical presents if that helps.

I'm pretty sure parents have been doing this since there's been a Christmas :P Kids get clothes and socks and underwear and "necessities" under the tree every year. One of the best Christmas presents I can remember was opening up plane tickets to Boston, and that was a trip that my parents had to take and were going to have to bring us on anyway. Now, a trip is a little more exciting than a bed, true, but the underlying issue is the same I think.

You know his personality best...and you know how to sell the bed to get him all excited about it. Get some fun sheets that he'll love too or something. How old is he? Will he buy that Santa brought him a bed? :P

I think he'll be excited to get the new karate pads, and he really won't make the connection to "mom was going to buy me these anyway", he'll just be happy to have them. Especially since he's been asking for them. Same with the bed, really. I just don't think boys are as likely to think that way as girls are. And as long as you have some "just fun" presents thrown in there too, like the Bionicles, I see nothing wrong with this at all. But like I said, you know his personality best. If he does get bent out of shape about it, you can have a parental conversation about the value of money and how much a bed costs and how many toys that would buy but how much longer the bed will last, blah blah blah.

I really wish they'd fix this damn bug. Sorry to spam your journal. *NM*
I agree
No harm in it, and as a kid it never bothered me even when I knew. Heck, half of the things I ask for now are things I need and can't afford to get for myself. Nothing really "Exciting" about new riding pants and gloves, but if I get them, I will probably squeal with glee :P
I don't know him well, but I do not think it's cheap.
Most kids love getting a new grown up type thing, so I imagine he'll actually really enjoy it. And he's probably already got a million toys he doesn't play with anyway, right?:P
Thanks all.
I don't know why it was bothering me, but thanks for the help. :)
Jen, thanks for making the grown up connection, that will indeed make him happy.
No worries about the spam, I've done that many times too! It always makes me silly. :<img class=' />