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Journal: Entry for Perdita

Dear Journal.

Author: Perdita Send a noteboard

Posted: 31/08/2009 01:06:22 AM

Views: 1762

Today I went to work. I had a good day. No one died. Had food, sold stuff, wandered, looked busy, everyone looked fairly happy, or less suicidal than usual (this is London, there is no 'happy', just 'stressed' or 'will be stressed in a bit').

Went home, watched a silly film (yay) and had a pizza with too much spicy stuff on it (woo). Then found RAFO.

Oh man. I remember being on wotmania before. I feel old now.

Diary, I give today 8/10. Pizza was just a bit *too* spicy, and am going to have not much sleep. Woes.
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