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Journal: Entry for Stephen


Author: Stephen Send a noteboard

Posted: 08/08/2012 04:43:03 PM

Views: 10025

I was a bit of a fuck up at university this year. I failed half my first semester subjects and one subject in second semester. That leaves me with four repeat examinations coming up, the first of them being tomorrow morning. I am in no way prepared and my nerves are completely killing me to the extent that even looking at my notes for more than five seconds is edging me closer and closer to a nervous fit.

I will get through this. I will get through this.
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Oh my.
Good luck! I'll be thinking of you. <3
Nothing much to say, except hang in there.
I want to play Daniel Bedingfield's "Gotta Get Through This" for you. I used it a lot when finishing late night papers.

Good luck. Remember that you've studied, and you know this. This is the time to make all of that work pay off. You just need a brief refresher.

Also, however it goes for you in the next few days, it is not the end. I've also failed several classes in the university, and was threatened with expulsion (there was a scholarship involved). What helped me a TON was working with a therapist, a counselor that school, student services had on campus. She addressed the anxiety that kept me from studying, and reasons for my procrastination. I went from feeling completely hopeless and despondent, to graduating with good marks.
Hope this link works better
The first one actually went pretty well.
Thanks for the words of encouragement.
Re: Repeats.
Maybe a little more time studying and a little less time breathlessly clutching pearls at slightly edgy posts on the internet, Stephen?

I was a bit of a fuck up at university this year. I failed half my first semester subjects and one subject in second semester. That leaves me with four repeat examinations coming up, the first of them being tomorrow morning. I am in no way prepared and my nerves are completely killing me to the extent that even looking at my notes for more than five seconds is edging me closer and closer to a nervous fit.

I will get through this. I will get through this.
Probably would have helped, Dan.
But what's done is done.