Journal: Entry for ßelals Girl
He called me a golddigger.
Author: ßelals Girl Send a noteboard
Posted: 20/06/2010 08:37:51 PM
Views: 3558
The man works in a warehouse for a temp agency. I am sure my income DWARFS his. He ought to call me a nickeldigger instead. Seems more accurate.
The man pursues the hell out of me, lays it on incredibly thick, and then, when he changes his mind, suddenly I'M the one putting pressure on him.
I can't believe I fell for it. Well, I won't fall for it a second time, so I suppose that's a bright spot in all this.
Lol, my love life has been a train wreck lately
I'm sorry...
But I couldn't help read the start of that in the voice of Gimli when they enter Moria. They call it a mine, A MINE!
Lol, now I'm laughing
Thanks, I needed that