Journal: Entry for Timthetrolloc
I am trying to get out of credit card debt.
Author: Timthetrolloc Send a noteboard
Posted: 05/07/2010 05:20:24 AM
Views: 2945
I started on my crusade at the beginning of this year. I have accepted almost every hour of overtime I can get along the way because I want these things paid off. I currently have only 3 left or around 8500 left to pay. that started at over 15000 in january. I hope I can pay them off by the end of the year. wish me luck
Re: I am trying to get out of credit card debt.
Halfway there, halfway through the year - you're on track! Well done so far, and good luck with the rest of it
good job!! I'm sure you don't even need good luck!
Just no bad luck! I applaud for you!!
That's a very impressive start - great work! *NM*
Good work!
We are doing the same thing. We will be debt free, car loans and all, before next July. It is a good feeling! Keep up the good work.
Re: I am trying to get out of credit card debt.
thanks everyone. Its been hard tell you the truth. nothing worth doing is easy.
Re: I am trying to get out of credit card debt. *NM*
I started on my crusade at the beginning of this year. I have accepted almost every hour of overtime I can get along the way because I want these things paid off. I currently have only 3 left or around 8500 left to pay. that started at over 15000 in january. I hope I can pay them off by the end of the year. wish me luck