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Journal: Entry for Timthetrolloc


Author: Timthetrolloc Send a noteboard

Posted: 21/09/2011 11:18:51 AM

Views: 2045

Got a damn sinus infection. I should really quit smoking because with both factors my lungs hurt whenever I cough and that is about every minute or so I go on another coughing jag.....I should have quit years ago or actually never fuckin started.

Only thing keeping me going right now is coffee. It is very important that I have something hot to soothe my sore throat. Damn doctor told me to take cold and flu medicine and treat the symptoms but he didn't do a damn thing for me even though I think I have an infection of some type. I guess he thinks its viral but he didn't really say much and treated me like I was a second class citizen because I smoke. Fuck him. I am done with him. I also asked him to start me on some kind of quitting aid for smoking and he told me to take fish oil and use the patch or gum whatever I prefered. What a douchebag! I told him they haven't worked in the past and he told me he would think about it the next time I come in. Why not now? Ah well. Maybe I will give the patch a try again. I hate gum. Why would you chew something and not swallow it anyway? Any helpful suggestions with quitting?

I also got bitched at by a Mod on RAFO today for the first time! In my defense myspace Tom called me a "fucking retard" first. I called him the same thing in a later post. It wasn't the most virtuous thing I ever did but it brought me a ton of pleasure.

On a side note, I am always telling my 8 year old son not to say "thats retarded!" as in this day an age you never know who the hell is gonna take offense to such things. In fact it does offend me. I told him last week that people who are retarded deserve respect and that we shouldn't use there affliction for a curse when a video game doesn't go your way or you spill a drink and get mad, because people who are mentally challenged can't help there situation. It is not like the whole group of them got up one morning and prayed to be the way they are. Assholes on the other hand usually choose to live there life as an asshole. Maybe I should tell him to say "What an Asshole!" instead. Well not right away but in the future.
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...sinus infections are almost ALWAYS bacterial
when you know it's a sinus infection, use key phrases like "my teeth hurt", and "dripping down my throat". If a doctor keeps ignoring stuff like that...find someone else. They suck.

I think how you quit is factored in by WHY you smoke...the people I know who have tried to quit seem to have that problem. One person is a social smoker and he can kick the habit EASILY...when he's not around people who smoke. Another smokes as a crutch for her stress and can't quit because she loses her mind. Yet another had problems quitting because she just did it as a habit and she needed something to do with her hands/mouth. So maybe figure out WHY you smoke, and then address THAT?
Damn again!
Oh yeah. I do know its a sinus infection and I am no longer a patron of that Doctor. He sucks in so many ways it isn't funny.

I think I might be screwed. I smoke for all of those reasons.
That was hardly "bitched at" yet
And we're well aware Tom said it first :)

Get well soon!
Link for you!

Saw this today and thou

When huge amount of molten aluminum gets in contact with water, a fierce exothermic reaction will take place, enormous amount of hydrogen is formed and the temperature is locally raised to 1,200 to 1,500 C," or 2,200 to 2,700 F.
Chaos rapidly ensues: "A series of explosions will take place and a whole floor will be blown to pieces," he wrote. "Then the top part of the building will fall on the bottom part, and the tower will collapse within seconds." This is what Simensen believes happened in the two World Trade Center towers.ght of you.
I see they both got Balefired. And I know I wasn't "bitched at" I think I was just angry I got a comment from you on it but his didn't! So thanks Ironclad I appreciate that. Though I wouldn't have minded if they stayed up either. I can take a little abuse. But I will fire some abuse right back when it happens.

Aeryn I will have to check that link out. Also thanks for thinking of me.

Also this infection seems to be running its course and I am feeling better thanks, Ironcland and Lady Lorraine for the get well wishes. They worked!