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Journal: Entry for Animosity

Yeah. I am an asshole.

Author: Animosity Send a noteboard

Posted: 16/01/2010 03:54:36 AM

Views: 3107

I was having a convo with a good friend while we were waiting on the potatoes to bake, we watched the Nightly News w/ Brian Williams. The tragedy in Haiti was of course the lead, as it should be. But I commented on this Haitian dude bitching into the camera about the help needing to get there to move the dead. So, I made the remark- "that dudes arms and legs seem to be fine, he should be helping to police the dead and stop wasting time in front of the camera." My friend made out that what I said was the most insensitive thing ever. I got no sympathy for those who will not help themselves. So yeah, I am an asshole. But this was already known.
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i always wonder about the photojournalists as well
i was watching the daily show the other day and jon stewart showed a clip where a car skidded down an icy road and smashed into the car at the light. then they showed the rest of the clip where yet another car skidded down the road and smashed into the two cars which were already in the first accident. and his comment (and which i totally agree with) was "put down the damn camera and go see if they're ok you dumbass!" (i may have paraphrased a bit :) )
You could say that about many journalists, actually
or anyone who's job is to observe and not get involved.

Also, just as a note, a lot of those traffic clips are caught using stationary non-manned cameras of some sort. Not saying that clip was--I didn't see it--but a lot of them are.
I don't have any sympathy at all for what happened to Haiti.
They received warning. They weren't ready. It's there problem. I mean, our country has hundred of thousands if not millions hungry and cold and homeless, it seems to me that we're taking a shit on all those people.
Re: Yeah. I am an asshole.
I was having a convo with a good friend while we were waiting on the potatoes to bake, we watched the Nightly News w/ Brian Williams. The tragedy in Haiti was of course the lead, as it should be. But I commented on this Haitian dude bitching into the camera about the help needing to get there to move the dead. So, I made the remark- "that dudes arms and legs seem to be fine, he should be helping to police the dead and stop wasting time in front of the camera." My friend made out that what I said was the most insensitive thing ever. I got no sympathy for those who will not help themselves. So yeah, I am an asshole. But this was already known.

the ones I really love are the nature photographers. "now look closely everyone, this is 1 of 10 of this type of animal left in the wild...oh no, a group of poachers is coming into view and they are probably going to kill it because its spleen is used for an expensive holistic cure in Burma that sells for big bucks."

....or something along those lines.

p.s. the last wild jaguar in the states was killed by a governmental interest group that was out trapping black bears for an experiment. The caught the jaguar by accident, let him go a bit later, and he died shortly after. God how I love bureaucracy.