Journal: Entry for LadyLorraine
communication fail.
Author: LadyLorraine Send a noteboard
Posted: 16/01/2012 08:55:18 AM
Views: 5223
I like my boss; I truly do. I just wish he would TELL US when the shift he wanted taken is filled so that I don't show up to work and someone else is already there.
Granted, he didn't confirm the email I sent to him...but what was I supposed to do? Run the risk that NO ONE would show up?
EDIT: *cries* omigod and I just realized I accidently threw away the nice point-and-shoot Nikon my papa got me when my old one broke because I thought it was the old one and that bag was taken to the dumpster and the dumpster has been picked up and I'm a terrible terrible daughter and an awful tool omigodomigodomigod I'm such an idiot >_
Granted, he didn't confirm the email I sent to him...but what was I supposed to do? Run the risk that NO ONE would show up?
EDIT: *cries* omigod and I just realized I accidently threw away the nice point-and-shoot Nikon my papa got me when my old one broke because I thought it was the old one and that bag was taken to the dumpster and the dumpster has been picked up and I'm a terrible terrible daughter and an awful tool omigodomigodomigod I'm such an idiot >_
I am sorry about your nikon

Re: communication fail.
Dude, the camera thing sounds like my life. Sorry. It doesn't really get better, you just start to tolerate your own spaciness

Well, look on the bright side
At least it wasn't a baby.
(I know, I'm a horrible person)
(I know, I'm a horrible person)
I think you mean...
too bad it wasn't a baby.