Journal: Entry for Joel
If you know why I linked this I probably don't care how much I've pissed you off the last couple years.
Author: Joel Send a noteboard
Posted: 19/05/2011 08:12:34 AM
Views: 16866
Thanks to Jo for the heads up; lotta folks could use a a role model as good as her.
Here ends my discussion of that eras unfortunate legacy. That is all.

I admit, I find you slightly irritating- but I'm sure there are more than a few that find me
Thanks to Jo for the <a href="">heads up</a>; lotta folks could use a a role model as good as her.
Here ends my discussion of that eras unfortunate legacy. That is all.

Irritating. So I'm still clueless.
Being clueless is a good thing in this case.

So I'll try to reduce my irritation of the clueless and give participants in the unpleasantness no more thought than they merit.
"jumble" put page a on you words the hit then it's key like
Thanks to Jo for the <a href="">heads up</a>; lotta folks could use a a role model as good as her.
Here ends my discussion of that eras unfortunate legacy. That is all.

Aren't translations your better and any.
Sorry, Amy.
I intended no translation. Those for who want one are better off without it, and the link makes it unnecessary for the rest.
Then be quiet instead of saying a whole bunch of NOTHING
Thanks to Jo for the <a href="">heads up</a>; lotta folks could use a a role model as good as her.
Here ends my discussion of that eras unfortunate legacy. That is all.

It is most irritating if I do say so. You literally say nothing, then actually defend that action.
As someone who knows nothing of the referenced situation except what's popped up on the CMB
Thanks to Jo for the <a href="">heads up</a>; lotta folks could use a a role model as good as her.
Here ends my discussion of that eras unfortunate legacy. That is all. and there, I assumed this particularly amused you because at some point there were those who thought you made up your then gf, now wife.
So while I may have misunderstood/misinterpreted, I certainly didn't find it in any way incomprehensible

Got in one, Sareitha.

The "probably" was there for those of you aware of but not among chatters who thought (and discussed) that for months while speaking with me and her daily. It WAS pathetic; they merely mistook the source of pathos, sent my stock in their opinions plummeting and discouraged Mahtaliels participation in a community where so many thought her my sockpuppet. *hugs the sane Sareitha* 
Oh, and I meant no defence either, Amy. If you'd like one, I figured everyone involved would know what I meant and no one else would care.

Oh, and I meant no defence either, Amy. If you'd like one, I figured everyone involved would know what I meant and no one else would care.