Journal: Entry for Joel
"Have You Ever Seen the Sun Set at 3... P... M...?"
Author: Joel Send a noteboard
Posted: 10/12/2010 06:17:50 PM
Views: 4688
Aye, but not for several weeks. At least it's warmed up to freezing. Yea...?

Re: "Have You Ever Seen the Sun Set at 3... P... M...?"
Aye, but not for several weeks. At least it's warmed up to freezing. Yea...? 

Awwww. Can you get those full-spectrum (or natural light) light bulbs over there? They help deal with the oppressive darkness.
Yep I have.
Experiencing a bit of culture shock, eh?
A bit of culture shock, yes.
If by "culture shock" you mean seeing a moose and two horses in your front yard before 11AM. The light, or lack thereof, doesn't bother me much, but I'm getting tired of temperatures in the teens. Which I guess is good, since it's probably gonna be colder next month and the one following.... *hugs fiancee for warmth and, er... other things....