Journal: Entry for Amyrlin
If you figure out a way around it
Let me know
Re: Dear 40
Maybe it's different for a guy, but I'm looking forward to it. In fact, I can't wait to be a cranky old man.
Kelly, you'll totally be sitting on your porch with a shot gun, won't you?
shaking your cane at kids on your lawn...getting scolded by the local patrol for firing "warnin' shots"...
aww it'll be cute
aww it'll be cute
Oh Amy, The 40's have been the best years of my life.
I don't think I actually bloomed (as much as I was ever going to) until I hit my 40's. There is nothing in the world to be afraid of.
Celia, that's almost right.
I'll have a walker instead of a cane.