Journal: Entry for Antigone
Thorazine needs surgery
Author: Antigone Send a noteboard
Posted: 20/10/2009 05:03:06 AM
Views: 2334
I can't believe it. Another one of my kitties is having health issues. *sigh* This time, it's Thorazine. At first, I thought it was a simple UTI. The poor little guy just kept going from litter box to litter box (and we have many of them!) trying to wee.
Knowing how dangerous a UTI can be for a male kitty, we rushed him to the vet's, where they took a urine sample and put him on antibiotics. But the results came back with no it wasn't an infection. The vet called it non-bacterial cystitis and said it could be caused by stress.
She suggested he might be stressed by inflamation of his mouth. Now, I knew he needed a dental done, we'd discussed it a few months ago at his annual check-up. I was under the impression that it was more of a suggestion than something that really needed done.
I've been putting it off, partly because of money but mainly for fear of having him put under anesthesia.
There were three kitties in his litter...Thorazine, Optimus Prime and Belladonna. We took Belladonna as a little kitten. When the girl who had Thor and Opti had them neutered, Thor survived, Opti didn't. The vet guessed Opti had some sort of liver problem that made him unable to process the anesthesia from his system. Before having Bella spayed, our vet ran bloodwork that showed a problem with her liver as well. Since all our males are neutered, we decided not to have Bella spayed because we felt the risk was too great.
I know Thor has been put under once and survived, but that doesn't mean he'll be okay the second time. Now the vet seems to be suggesting that he may need more than a simple dental done, that he might have stomatitis. This would likely result in a much bigger, take-the-kitty-to-a-specialist-and-pay-tons-of-money surgery.
His dental is scheduled for Wednesday. I requested a vet appointment to have him rechecked before any surgery is done, so that will be tomorrow. I just want to talk to the vet about options.
So here we go again! I just hope he's okay.
Knowing how dangerous a UTI can be for a male kitty, we rushed him to the vet's, where they took a urine sample and put him on antibiotics. But the results came back with no it wasn't an infection. The vet called it non-bacterial cystitis and said it could be caused by stress.
She suggested he might be stressed by inflamation of his mouth. Now, I knew he needed a dental done, we'd discussed it a few months ago at his annual check-up. I was under the impression that it was more of a suggestion than something that really needed done.
I've been putting it off, partly because of money but mainly for fear of having him put under anesthesia.
There were three kitties in his litter...Thorazine, Optimus Prime and Belladonna. We took Belladonna as a little kitten. When the girl who had Thor and Opti had them neutered, Thor survived, Opti didn't. The vet guessed Opti had some sort of liver problem that made him unable to process the anesthesia from his system. Before having Bella spayed, our vet ran bloodwork that showed a problem with her liver as well. Since all our males are neutered, we decided not to have Bella spayed because we felt the risk was too great.
I know Thor has been put under once and survived, but that doesn't mean he'll be okay the second time. Now the vet seems to be suggesting that he may need more than a simple dental done, that he might have stomatitis. This would likely result in a much bigger, take-the-kitty-to-a-specialist-and-pay-tons-of-money surgery.
His dental is scheduled for Wednesday. I requested a vet appointment to have him rechecked before any surgery is done, so that will be tomorrow. I just want to talk to the vet about options.
So here we go again! I just hope he's okay.
Poor kitty
Best of luck for his surgery on Wednesday, I know what it's like I lost one of my rats to the anaesthetic once (allergic reaction) and after that we decided never to put her sister under in case it was a hereditary thing (you can't really test for it in rats unfortunately).
Healing scritches to Thor, and good luck to you
Healing scritches to Thor, and good luck to you
Re: Thorazine needs surgery
Thank you...and I'm so sorry to hear about your lil ratty. I love rats!
I feel a little better after talking to the vet tonight. He'll have bloodwork done in the morning to check everything. The vet said they could use gas to put him under instead of the faster working injection. The gas passes through the system quicker, so it's less dangerous.
Also, his symptoms are much improved from a couple weeks ago, so she doesn't think his problem is as severe as originally feared.
We left him at the vet's tonight. Wow, that was difficult. We had to decide what would be less stressful - leaving him overnight or hauling him back and forth another time in the car (which he hates and cries the whole time). We decided, and the vet agreed, it would probably be less stressful to just leave him since he was already there.
I'm such a baby...I cried! I'm going to be wreck until he's home safe and sound.
I feel a little better after talking to the vet tonight. He'll have bloodwork done in the morning to check everything. The vet said they could use gas to put him under instead of the faster working injection. The gas passes through the system quicker, so it's less dangerous.
Also, his symptoms are much improved from a couple weeks ago, so she doesn't think his problem is as severe as originally feared.
We left him at the vet's tonight. Wow, that was difficult. We had to decide what would be less stressful - leaving him overnight or hauling him back and forth another time in the car (which he hates and cries the whole time). We decided, and the vet agreed, it would probably be less stressful to just leave him since he was already there.
I'm such a baby...I cried! I'm going to be wreck until he's home safe and sound.