Journal: Entry for Kuke
Last Days In A Strange Place.
Author: Kuke Send a noteboard
Posted: 14/12/2010 09:23:49 PM
Views: 3348
We buried Hofner as the sun rose in the sky; Butler as it sank.
With the passing of the seasons on into winter so we too became craggy and made of frost.
In the end, we became hardened into stone,
able even to endure the endless nights and soul-scouring winds.
We mimicked the giants, though we could not even see them on the hills anymore,
for the walls of choking fog.
One by one we disappear into the night as a light appears for each of us and we follow it into the darkness.
A way home, perhaps.
With the passing of the seasons on into winter so we too became craggy and made of frost.
In the end, we became hardened into stone,
able even to endure the endless nights and soul-scouring winds.
We mimicked the giants, though we could not even see them on the hills anymore,
for the walls of choking fog.
One by one we disappear into the night as a light appears for each of us and we follow it into the darkness.
A way home, perhaps.