Journal: Entry for AliasRY
My university has a sadistic sense of humour.
Author: AliasRY Send a noteboard
Posted: 11/05/2011 07:39:22 PM
Views: 2665
Three exams. Two days. Nuff said.
(I know a lot of people have far more than three exams, but still.)
(I know a lot of people have far more than three exams, but still.)
if it makes you feel better
I have taken seven exams over the past 10 school-days. The past five exams have been final exams (two I had on one day) and I have another one tomorrow.
I have 7 exams in 10 days.
Three exams. Two days. Nuff said.
(I know a lot of people have far more than three exams, but still.)
(I know a lot of people have far more than three exams, but still.)
Out of a total of twelve exams in 28 days. To be honest, I prefer them all bunched together cos then you take them and they're done.
How has your year here been?
Not fun having multiple on the same day
Three exams. Two days. Nuff said.
(I know a lot of people have far more than three exams, but still.)
I've five in seven days starting tomorrow.
Actually, this did make me feel better.
Ouch, what are you all studying?
Electronic Engineering.
veterinary medicine *NM*
Re: My university has a sadistic sense of humour.
I had to write 3 papers, 2 for the same class, due on the same day, which was weird, take 4 finals in 3 days, and finish my hat for my millinery class! I pulled 2 all nighters. Not consecutive though. It feels so good to be done!
Economics and Politics
@Delireus: Wow. That's so worse. And I thought having 3 papers due in a week was bad. I am done too now. Can't believe I am through one year of university already.
I forgot to say one of my lecturers set us an assignment on the last day of classes
Three exams. Two days. Nuff said.
(I know a lot of people have far more than three exams, but still.)
She forgot to give it to us earlier, and its due in a few days after the last exam.:sadface:
I'm studying maths and physics. *NM*
Three exams. Two days. Nuff said.
(I know a lot of people have far more than three exams, but still.)
(I know a lot of people have far more than three exams, but still.)