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Re: TaskmasterJack Send a noteboard - 26/03/2010 02:43:04 PM
One perk to rule them all! (Cold-Blooded makes you non-targetable by killstreaks and you show up dark on thermal scopes)

You left out invisible to UAV and if you have Cold-Blooded Pro, your red text name doesn't give you away if a crosshair passes over you. Still, it can't be too overpowered or a majority of people would be using it. When I pop a UAV, it generally shows all but one or two players of a six man squad.

Ninja Pro is a big boost to Cold-Blooded. It makes your footsteps silent so that no one knows you're coming. I consider that invaluable to my play style. And yet not too many people must be using it, because I always hear people running up stairs or crunching through the snow.


What are you referring to specifically there? Collusion or exploits?

I saw a funny version of collusion once. It was a game of Free-For-All and there were three guys in a circle jerk hiding in an upstairs room. They had tactical insertions set up so that they could take turns killing each other, while continuously respawning in that one spot. I should have dropped a semtex grenade in the middle of them, but I didn't notice what they were doing until I'd already taken them out with my gun. Naturally, when the game was over, those three had the top 3 spots.

As for exploits, did you play during that period within the last week or so where there were weird acceleration glitches? If you tried to move, you might find yourself suddenly zipping off at an angle to where you were running (which, on the Highrise map, might find you doing a Superman off the side of the building). You'd see people speeding around the map at absolutely ridiculous velocities (but they couldn't control when it happened or what direction they'd shift). I saw one Killcam where the guy ran up the stairs so fast that he hurdled fifty yards, spun in mid air and killed me from behind. I can only assume he was either the one causing it (and was able to control it) or he got phenomenally lucky.

What's the point of having leader boards if all the top spots are taken by people who cheat?

I don't look at the Overall Leaderboads. I just filter it to my Friends list. I'm also more impressed by Ratio than total kills.

Lag issues - Terrible Lag issues. If you don't have Internet speeds above 10MB, the most bars you can get is three Even if it is >10MB, you are still 3 bars most of the time (Mine averages 12 MB and I have had 4 bars exactly once in 11 days of match time. For some reason, the difference between 3 and 4 bars on this game is crazy. Especially with Choppers/Harriers flying overhead. Why do I die so often after turning a corner, running down a wall a good bit, and then watching the kill cam show me not even around a corner yet?

Yeah, that can be a nuisance. Generally, if I notice I'm dying more often because people are getting a connection advantage I back out to the lobby and find a new group. I don't mind dying to someone who clearly got the drop on me, but if I shoot fill half a clip in someone who didn't know I was there and he squeezes off one hip fire that kills me, but the Killcam shows a completely different circumstance (like me walking along oblivious not shooting when I know that I was and him firing multiple rounds into me).

Terminal and Rundown - two of the worst multiplayer maps ever devised. Developers said hey, why not design maps with easily defendable choke points being the only way from one place to another?

I actually really enjoy those two maps. The one I've noticed people quit the most is Derail, which is odd because I like that one, too. I guess they hate people holding and defending that one building. The only map I tend to avoid is Rust. It's so small that you constantly have someone running up behind you as you spawn to shoot you in the back before you can start running.

Spawning is ffffuuuucccckkkkiiiinnnngggg horrible. Hey guys, great idea, lets allow people who just died spawn right behind the people that killed them!

I haven't really noticed an issue with that. Generally, when I kill someone, I know from what direction they're probably about to come back at me from (not including Rust).

so yeah, I am on the point right now where if there isn't a MAJOR update that fixes 90% of what is wrong, this game is getting sold. There is supposed to be an update when the map pack comes out, but I haven't heard what it is suppose to do yet.

I'm just happy to have more maps. I was getting burned out on the old ones.
This message last edited by TaskmasterJack on 26/03/2010 at 05:42:37 PM
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Modern Warfare 2: Stimulus Package. Available March 30th. - 26/03/2010 05:43:05 AM 769 Views
This would excite me more if the Multiplayer wasn't so unbelievably broken. - 26/03/2010 07:08:15 AM 541 Views
Re: - 26/03/2010 02:43:04 PM 506 Views
Re: Re: - 26/03/2010 05:42:49 PM 477 Views
Re: Re: - 26/03/2010 06:46:34 PM 504 Views
This'll reignite my interest in the game. *NM* - 27/03/2010 04:00:05 PM 213 Views
More hot MGB/TMJ action! - 28/03/2010 05:28:37 AM 506 Views
Re: Modern Warfare 2: Stimulus Package. Available March 30th. - 30/03/2010 12:08:04 AM 512 Views
As Niel Diamond would say "TODAY!" *NM* - 30/03/2010 04:47:28 PM 228 Views
I picked this up cheap at the weekend - 30/03/2010 09:11:46 PM 448 Views
Re: Modern Warfare 2: Stimulus Package. Available March 30th. - 30/03/2010 09:14:45 PM 533 Views
Re: Modern Warfare 2: Stimulus Package. Available March 30th. - 30/03/2010 09:34:45 PM 475 Views
Re: Modern Warfare 2: Stimulus Package. Available March 30th. - 30/03/2010 09:58:36 PM 480 Views
Re: Modern Warfare 2: Stimulus Package. Available March 30th. - 31/03/2010 06:06:02 AM 571 Views
Re: Modern Warfare 2: Stimulus Package. Available March 30th. - 31/03/2010 08:47:16 PM 498 Views

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