Re: In full agreement on the DRM. But the Tyranids predated the Zerg by quite a long time.
Cannoli Send a noteboard - 26/03/2010 03:29:50 AM
The online-only requirements of modern PC gaming is obstinately to stop pirates by forcing all players to log in and register their unique serial numbers. Pirates can't do that.
Of course, what pirates do is instead just hack the game to completely bypass the registration system in its entirety. So it doesn't work. DRM penalises the player with a legal copy and has no impact on the pirates. This was made clear several years ago, but the publishers remain pushing the online-DRM angle despite its futility.
Why? To further the true agenda of gaming companies, which is to kill off the second-hand computer game market which they really hate, instead forcing you to buy games firsthand (either on release or on budget re-release) with the money going to them. In fairness Steam has a (convoluted) way of enabling people to sell on copies of their games, but IIRC Games for Windows Live, which DoW2 also uses, doesn't, so you can't re-sell the game after purchase.
That was helpful, if solely on an intellectual level. I wouldn't do those things anyway, because of my ethics beliefs, but I still have to wonder about killing the goose that laid the golden egg. At some point someone might figure out a way to make a game cheap enough that it isn't profitable to pirate. Some of the best action shooters are available for free on the internet at places like They might have to go the route of just shrugging, accepting the piracy and selling ad space in the games.Of course, what pirates do is instead just hack the game to completely bypass the registration system in its entirety. So it doesn't work. DRM penalises the player with a legal copy and has no impact on the pirates. This was made clear several years ago, but the publishers remain pushing the online-DRM angle despite its futility.
Why? To further the true agenda of gaming companies, which is to kill off the second-hand computer game market which they really hate, instead forcing you to buy games firsthand (either on release or on budget re-release) with the money going to them. In fairness Steam has a (convoluted) way of enabling people to sell on copies of their games, but IIRC Games for Windows Live, which DoW2 also uses, doesn't, so you can't re-sell the game after purchase.
I agree with this, although I actually enjoyed the game a lot more than you did. I stopped thinking of it as an RTS and switched to thinking of it as DIABLO with flamethrowers and different loot a couple of hours in, and on that basis it made a bit more sense. But compared to the tactical possibilities in COMPANY OF HEROES, DoW2 is pretty pathetic and limited.
Yes, but comparing it to Diablo, you have a less flexible and more awkward and silly-looking version of a game more than a decade old. THAT is what I needed to download for more than 10 hours?In fairness, this is actually true to the lore (okay, maybe having just 11 Space Marines to fight off a planetary invasion is pushing it, but not as much as you might think). A Space Marine is an eight-foot-tall, superhuman warrior armed with the best weapons and encased in the best armour in the entire galaxy. A rule-of-thumb from the lore is that one Space Marine should be the equal of 100 or more Orks in battle. There's only a few hundred thousand of them or so in existence (compared to the many billions of Imperial Guard, the 'normal' human soldiers)
It didn't segue naturally out of my original rant, but I was wishing they had put the IG in there to make that tiny squad seem significant by comparison. to defend the million worlds of the Imperium. The problem with many of the other Space Marine computer games and even, to a lesser extent, the miniatures game is that Marines are often treated as expendable grunts rather than what they really are, an army of chainsaw-wielding Gregor Cleganes who can advance through a hail of missiles without breaking a sweat and upend tanks with their bare hands.
I am hoping we get that in theoretical movie coming up. I was think of Robert Heinlen's MI and John Ringo's ACS when I played that stage in the original DoW game where you get supplementary IG units, and suddenly understood why the guys I had been playing were space MARINES. IMO, Star Wars should have treated stormtroopers this way (to a lesser degree), rather than making them into the catch-phrase for inept cannon fodder. DoW2 is probably the closest they've come to replicating this feel in a game, although they've arguably gone slightly overboard with the concept.
Yeah, the battlefields would not be so bad if there was more to the strategy aspect, or if they dropped that part all together and stopped calling it Dawn of War. Maybe call it "Space March" or something. That might a good game, but it is not a fitting sequel to DoW, and should not have been marketed as such.True, but this was also a problem with DoW1 and COMPANY OF HEROES, where you could only play the Space Marines and Americans in the single-player campaign, and had to wait for the expansions to play the others (and in CoH's case, we still haven't gotten a proper Wehrmacht campaign).
Agreed, but I preferred the Skirmishes in those games. The only campaigns I really played were in the two original games (DoW & CoH), and Dark Crusade and Soulstorm, where you were not constrained by that whole "jumping through hoops to play out the storyline" issue that bugs me. As far as the CoH issue goes, since the equipment and names of maps place the game in the late 1944 to 1945 period, there were not a lot of victorious German operations on which to base the campaigns. Of course they could go back in time to scrounge up some operations, but I don't think players accustomed to Tigers & Panthers and Panzershreks & StG44s would enjoy having to use the crappy equipment Germany had in the early war. At the time of the invasion of Russia their best tanks were the lame Mark IVs you get with the expansion Germans (NOT the one that comes with the Wehrmacht in the original) and a smaller Mark III whose gun is available as an upgrade on the armored car in the current game. A semi-realistic German campaign would not be fun for the very simple reason that they lost the war. I take the point, and it's true that the Chaos Space Marines are the regular Space Marines' eternal nemeses and most well-matched foes overall. However, the CSM are also not tremendously common, being outnumbered by the standard Space Marines in the lore,
I thought it was a 50/50 split in the Horus Heresy, with half the primarchs revolting and their chapters with them? and in the setting the Orks are a far more common threat. In addition, many players, particularly those who came in to the fandom through the SPACE HULK and SPACE CRUSADE boardgames of 1990 or so, consider the Tyranids to be just as iconic a foe as the CSM, and were severely annoyed at their exclusion from DoW1 in favour of lesser-known enemies like the Tau, Necrons and Space Drow.
I would have preferred an expansion pack featuring them, and a strategy campaign like DC or SS, to the whole new game.In the case of the game, the producers claimed that in the lore one of the biggest fears of fighting Chaos is the fear of being consumed or subverted by it and going rogue, and they wanted to implement a game mechanism that would replicate this to be more true to the lore. As a result, they held Chaos back for the new stand-alone expansion where they could tailor the story around both the fight against Chaos and its ability to 'infect' your characters, maybe even subverting them to Chaos altogether. So, fair enough, I think.
Given that, I suppose I agree. The Space Marines have some good vehicles and the fully-upgraded Land Raider in the first game is a thing of beauty. But the most hardcore weapons in the Space Marines' arsenal are fully-upgraded Terminator squads, who are present and correct (eventually) in DoW2. In DoW1 I used to dump the vehicles to make room in the pop cap for Terminator squads, just one or two of which could take out the entire battlefield.
I thought they counted against the infantry cap. The limit on one squad of each type was the most annoying thing about the expansion packs, IMO. I thought that if they were going to be so limited, they should have been the relic-necessary unit, and WAY more powerful. As it was, despite the overall power of the Space Marines, I found the lack of a crowning ultimate unit like the giant god-things the Space Elves and Space Demons and Space Undead got, or the Baneblade, to be a disappointment with that faction (ditto for the Orcs and the Squiggoth), albeit probably a necessary one for the game balance. The Space Marines don't even really have good tanks or artillery as such, as they are simply expected to overwhelm targets through sheer badassery. It's the Imperial Guard who have the full load-out of tanks, artillery, strategic bombers and so forth, and that's not really compatible with DoW2's engine (although they do crop up as NPCs in DoW2 and the new expansion).
Another disappointment for DoW2. My play style is strategic offensive/tactically defensive. I prefer to jump out early and grab a good defensive position, fortify it, and build up to overwhelming strength before flinging everything at the objective. I think the IG suits this style of play best, with their tunnels and occupied buildings and really awesome vehicles. I never really mastered the Space Elves, probably because (in addition to my anti-elf prejudice) that faction is simply so unsuited for my style. But that's also possibly the underlying cause of what makes DoW such a dissatisfying game for me. The style of the game is such that the IG could not compete with the Space Marines at such a microscopic level, and likewise, the game does not fit my playing style.
Indeed they are not. Among many other differences, Tyranids predate the Zerg's first appearance by about twelve years, and it's pretty much common knowledge that Blizzard were told they couldn't make an official WH40K game and went for the Pepsi option instead (which worked out really well for them, and I love STARCRAFT, but the similarities to WH40K are more than slightly obvious).
As far as their predating the Zerg, that's what they have to deal with. The Zerg got to the video game market first, so it is inevitable that subsequent similar races will be compared to them. They struck me as more of a derivation of the Giger Alien than anything else, and the complete rip-off of the Terran dropship pilot's dialogue from Aliens didn't change that perception any. Perhaps if DoW2 was done better, I might be more familiar with the Tyrannids and thus be better able to judge.
Before I knew of their existance, I can recall thinking "This game would be even better if they had something like the Zerg." All the other races had a familiar niche, except the Tau, who struck me as a pointless bone thrown to fans of the Warhammer 40,000 universe, and not necessarily occupying a spot in a spectrum of balanced factions or sci-fi/fantasy archetypes. I could see "multispecies empire, if there were more variety among their units...
The Tyranids are, however, a blatant rip-off of the aliens from ALIEN and ALIENS, as even the game designers cheerfully admit (although this is more obvious in the SPACE HULK games than in the battlefield ones).
Ah. That explains it.They've been around for hundreds of thousands of years, built a vast empire of unsurpassed beauty and now a bunch of unwashed apes are outbreeding and outsmarting them at every turn, and they don't quite get how this has happened. They also have an added guilt bonus to their dickishness because they're the ones who tore open the Eye of Terror and unleashed Chaos into the universe in the first place.
Why am I not surprised?DoW2 does get slight bonus points for not having the 'Space Marines and Eldar team up to face down a greater threat!' trope which is really annoying in both the computer games and the odd books where it happens. The Eldar consider themselves supreme to all other forms of life, and would ally with humans the same way we would ally with termites, whilst the Space Marines are quasi-genocidal fanatics who consider all aliens to be untrustworthy and should be cleansed at the earliest opportunity.
I like that aspect of the Imperium, BTW. I kind of like how humanity is seriously flawed, but its the only game in town, so we might as well go along with it. As for combining with the Eldar, team-ups and putting aside differences have become trite, and only good when you are combining awesomeness, like the eliteness of Space Marines and hardware of the Imperial Guard, or the evil of Chaos directing the numbers, savagery and simplicity of the Orks, to the extent that it is possible.
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesteron
Inde muagdhe Aes Sedai misain ye!
Deus Vult!
Why must they drag the internet into everything? A (very very bitter) Dawn of War 2 rant
25/03/2010 02:19:44 AM
internet will become the bane of single-player gaming, imo
25/03/2010 03:21:46 AM
25/03/2010 05:12:46 AM
NeverWinter Nights. Bioware RPG based on D&D.
25/03/2010 05:24:37 AM
yah, sorry. I have a tendency to forget people don't know my acronyms
25/03/2010 12:09:43 PM
OK. We all have our own SOPs. Just don't keep them on the QT or DL, or at least translate PDQ *NM*
25/03/2010 10:56:45 PM
The new Command and Conquer requires an internet connection for single player.
25/03/2010 02:13:09 PM
Re: Why must they drag the internet into everything? A (very very bitter) Dawn of War 2 rant
25/03/2010 01:56:13 PM
It was a disappointing game. Looks great, but there isn't any depth or strategy at all.
25/03/2010 05:12:31 PM
In full agreement on the DRM. But the Tyranids predated the Zerg by quite a long time.
26/03/2010 12:24:50 AM
Re: In full agreement on the DRM. But the Tyranids predated the Zerg by quite a long time.
26/03/2010 03:29:50 AM
Re: In full agreement on the DRM. But the Tyranids predated the Zerg by quite a long time.
26/03/2010 09:22:01 AM
29/03/2010 05:56:30 PM
So wait: Are you trying to argue that because Starcraft was more popular, it became the original?
29/03/2010 11:03:29 PM