There's nothing to tank in phase 2 :c
(but, the crushers need to be interrupted)
and why didn't you post in the WoW topic? i'm trying to find other people who actually raid.
I quit three or four weeks after Ulduar came out, after killing everything in there a couple of times. I rolled a tank because I like the control the role gives you over the encounters, the lack of ability to influence much in phase 2 made me find it rather dull. If you're a tank and you're not tanking anything, you feel so useless (particularly as a warrior). If you want any advice btw feel free to ask, I feel I can impart the requisite knowledge unto you [;
This message last edited by Spoonman on 03/09/2009 at 04:19:26 PM
Got Yogg-Saron down to 17% last nite
01/09/2009 05:52:45 PM
We raid, but not that hardcore. Hell, just doing Naxx again for the first time in 3-4 months
02/09/2009 02:07:52 AM