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Mass Effect 2, Gears of War 2, Fallout 3, Dragon Agerigins. - Edit 1

Before modification by Aemon at 27/01/2010 04:03:04 AM

Over the last couple of years I've really struggled with finding games to keep me wanting to play them. So...since there are people here who play waaay more games than I do, I figured I will simply make a quick little list of the games I've played over the last several years that have held my attention, and the ones that have lost me quickly, and then ask for suggestions.

Games I've played and that have held my attention long enough to finish them:
Turok for the 360
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Star Wars: TFU
KOTOR 1 and 2
Soul Caliber IV

Games that have lost me very quickly:
RE5 (Seriously that one got like 45 minutes of play, I hated it)
Ninja Gaiden 2
Infinite Undiscovery
Fable (I barely gave this a chance, so maybe I should give Fable II a shot?)
The Orange Box
Metroid Prime 2: Corruption
Elder Scrolls: Oblivion (I don't feel like I gave this one enough of a chance, and I think I may try it again)
Punch Out (Wii)

And if this helps any...favorite games ever:
Metal Gear Solid (PS1)
Soul Caliber
Tekken IV

I'm going to be getting Tekken V soon, and probably the new Final Fantasy when that comes out as well. So with all that said and all those games listed...does anyone have any suggestions for me? I have no PS3 yet, so if we can limit this to 360 games that would rock.

I'm not really looking for anything specific in a game right now...I mean, I would love to find something that recaptures the magic of FFVII and FFVI for me, because they were just amazing games to me. It doesn't have to be an RPG though, or an FPS, or any specific genre...I just want something good that will actually hold my attention.

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