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Modern Warfare 2. lord-of-shadow Send a noteboard - 01/09/2009 05:18:16 AM
I am basing this on the fact that I would recommend Modern Warfare 1 over L4D1, not because I've played either of the sequels.

COD4 is a fantastic game. I just finished writing a post explaining why it has the best single-player campaign in any FPS I've ever played. It's riddled with spoilers, so I'll copy/paste it without the spoilers:

COD4 did a couple things really well in my eyes:

First, it's pacing was damn near perfect. Perfectly spaced checkpoints, a great and well-thought out mixture of high intensity scenes (prologue scene on the ship, -------, etc.), slower paced stuff (--------, ---------, sniping missions), and just plain different experiences (vehicles come to mind).

Second, absolute masterful use of the first person viewpoint. I was utterly immersed from the moment I began playing the game. This was affected by the pacing to be sure, but a lot of it was the way that your controls, actions, and feedback (in the form of blurriness of the screen, etc.) reflected the situation you were in so perfectly. For instance: that big cinematic opening credits scene where you're controlling a guy that is bound and gagged as you're being dragged through the streets, and eventually -----------. Or the moment ---------------- These were well-crafted scenes, and this quality was consistent - it didn't feel like it was isolated to the climactic events.

Third, the atmosphere and context, although not terribly complex, were well done and quite entertaining. I felt like I was playing real life soldiers in Black Hawk Down-esque situations. Obviously real life military is nothing whatsoever like what COD4 depicts, but they successfully suspended my disbelief to the point where I bought into their fiction unquestioningly. This was accomplished partially through the aforementioned pacing and first-person, but also through high-quality voice acting, sound effects, the feedback when you shot your guns or stabbed an enemy, etc. All those little details really add up, and COD4 was extremely detailed.

I can't speak for the multiplayer though.
My original post (spoilers included)
This message last edited by lord-of-shadow on 01/09/2009 at 05:19:20 AM
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L4D2 or CoD4 Modern Warfare 2 - 01/09/2009 03:48:29 AM 808 Views
If you can get both I guess it doesn't really matter. - 01/09/2009 03:55:10 AM 773 Views
CoD4 Modern Warfare 2, and it's not close. *NM* - 01/09/2009 04:12:56 AM 311 Views
Modern Warfare 2. - 01/09/2009 05:18:16 AM 698 Views
Modern Warfare 2 *NM* - 01/09/2009 08:53:25 AM 334 Views
I would put priority on Modern Warfare 2. - 01/09/2009 04:22:26 PM 654 Views
On the PC? L4D2 or both. Co-op fan with friends who'll play? L4D2. Traditional multi fan? MW2. - 01/09/2009 05:28:05 PM 685 Views
Response - 01/09/2009 11:07:08 PM 768 Views
LFD2 - 03/09/2009 06:37:27 PM 712 Views
L4D2. - 04/09/2009 06:10:04 PM 759 Views

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