It also depends on which game you start with.
lord-of-shadow Send a noteboard - 24/10/2009 07:54:21 PM
Guitar Hero 2 has a great difficulty curve, for instance; it's very good at gradually ramping it up. Guitar Hero 3, on the other hand, is absolutely broken in that respect, and will often surprise you with a sudden wall instead of the nice curve.
My impression is that the Rock Band games are more along the lines of Guitar Hero 2 in that regard, but by the time I got around to playing them I had already finished GH3 on expert and everything else is easy after that, so I can't judge objectively.
My impression is that the Rock Band games are more along the lines of Guitar Hero 2 in that regard, but by the time I got around to playing them I had already finished GH3 on expert and everything else is easy after that, so I can't judge objectively.
/Playstation/Wii: Guitar Hero/Rock Band
23/10/2009 02:14:24 AM
I have Beatles Rock Band-- which is probably a lot easier than Metallica
23/10/2009 05:46:55 AM
My buddy told me Metallica was harder than the other Guitar Hero games.
23/10/2009 02:58:28 PM
I suspect we've all been there
23/10/2009 08:24:43 AM
Expert Guitar / Bass, Hard Drums. It just takes time.
24/10/2009 05:18:36 PM
It also depends on which game you start with.
24/10/2009 07:54:21 PM