View original postI played KotOR 2 back when it came out so details are a little fuzzy but I seem to remember the end feeling rushed and not getting to know what happens to all your buddies and the conclusion feeling... not very conclusive. Isn't the final battle basically talking to Kreia for 30 minutes?
Hm, yes, the final battle isn't that impressive. I didn't necessarily mind that, though... after all, the whole game is a bit intentionally atypical in some ways, what with Kreia telling you off and guilt-tripping you each time you fulfill a quest, for making people weaker by not letting them fight their own battles. After all that, it sort of made sense to me that the ending was also not the same kind of epic showdown as in the first game, but a more thoughtful affair. But I must say I played the two games quite close together and it does blur together a bit.
View original postInteresting. I'm in the middle of ME3 with my paragon FemShep now, and considering I lost my Dragon Age save files and therefore wanted to replay both DA: O and DA2 before Inquisition, and also try out a renegade BroShep, it appears I will be stuck in Bioware game-purgatory for awhile yet
Heh, yes, that'll take you a good while.
View original postHuh, never figured Kaidan as the bisexual type. And yes yay for the enormous amounts of content. I am always impressed at the random conversations your squadmates have with you or each other on missions. I just did the DLC where you recruit Javik the Prothean in ME3, and took Kaidan along. He had this long comment about how we were going back to the first planet you land on in ME1 and how he felt obligated to come along on this particular mission. .....Dude I just randomly selected you for the squad 1 minute ago!!
Hehe, nice. I'd say DA2 is the best game so far in terms of squadmate interaction, what with sometimes visiting one character's home and finding another squadmate already there on a visit. But the MEs are definitely good too on that point. I do want to get the DLC with Javik also, in the end I might just cave and spend more on various DLCs than I did on ME3 to begin with... it'll still be better value for money than some other games I've bought over the years.
Mass Effect Trilogy
16/10/2014 01:51:36 PM
Amazing games, definitely.
19/10/2014 09:59:43 PM
Re: Amazing games, definitely.
20/10/2014 10:46:58 PM
Re: Amazing games, definitely.
21/10/2014 08:40:43 PM
Re: Amazing games, definitely.
21/10/2014 11:00:38 PM
Now I finished 3 and went straight back to 1... these games are really addictive.
11/11/2014 09:07:23 PM
Super massively addictive
17/11/2014 06:27:28 PM
Good that I'm not alone.
19/11/2014 10:42:43 PM