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Re: Amazing games, definitely. Legolas Send a noteboard - 21/10/2014 08:40:43 PM

View original postYes, very much looking forwards to Dragon Age 3, although perhaps not as intensely as ME3 when that came out. There is also the issue that again, I played DA through just once when it came out and have forgotten the names of half the squadmates (sorry, I mean questmates). Except for Morrigan. She's awesome.

That's the good thing of generally being several years behind on games as I am - no need to wait. ME3 and DA2 are probably the games I've played the shortest period after their release date for a very long time, with the exception of Age of Wonders 3 (which was rather disappointing, haven't played it much). Not long before ME, I was playing the really rather ancient KotOR, which is also brilliant, both installments, and features one of the best ambivalent, nuanced villains of any video game.

The sad thing about my laptop, though, is that there is no way in hell it'll run DA3. And buying an entirely new computer just for one game is a bit much... so for DA3 I guess it'll be back to the long waits.

Morrigan is definitely one of the most memorable characters in any video game. The others aren't as memorable, but in DA2 I did feel that the whole "three acts" thing added a lot of depth to your party members, whom you saw shaping their lives over time in different ways. Same with the very limited amount of locations - okay, the endless reuse of the same layouts got old fast, but the basic idea of remaining in the same city and the same places, which also changed over time, was pretty cool.

Also, DA is long as hell. I did start a replay once with the goal of trying a Morrigan romance (easier than you might think at first glance, at least if you bought the complete version on Steam like me, with all the approval-boosting gifts added to the game). But I doubt I'll ever finish it - just one of the four main quests of the middle act of the game is, or at least feels like, almost as long as DA2 or ME2 in their entirety.

View original postThe main difference in DA is probably that you play a different character in each game, and although you have returning characters from DA1 in DA2, it's more anecdotal and Easter-egg-ish than in ME when the rapport you have to the squadmates really builds over the three games.

Yeah, though like I said, even in the relatively short DA2 I did sort of feel like there was a connection that was similar to what you get in the ME trilogy. ME2 was a bit too formulaic in its "unlocking loyalty" missions, though - it could have been more original and with more variation between the characters depending on personal connection, personality, history etc., rather than having to earn the loyalty of old friends in exactly the same way as that of random strangers who don't much like you.

View original postOh god, the Mako. Wanted to kill that thing by the end of the game. Didn't even shed a tear when I saw it all crashed in ME2

Mind you, I really liked to randomly drive up and down mountains and survive the most impossible sheer drops, as well as softening up enemies with tank fire before jumping out for the kill and the experience... but yeah, there was too much of it, so not a bad thing that they replaced it by the planet scanning thing in the 2 and 3.
View original postJoker is hilarious. I love his comments in the cockpit in ME2.

Me too.
View original postInteresting. I'm playing as FemShep on my current runthrough as well, will have to do a Renegade BroShep on a future playthrough.

View original postAny idea why you started playing female characters in RPGs? My brother seems to do this as well but most people I know play characters of their own gender (when given the option, obviously women who play Call of Duty and men who play Tomb Raider can't choose).

Hm, not sure... most of the time I do still have the female love interests where possible (DA2 exaggerates by making basically all characters bisexual, that's a bit of overkill and lazy writing), so in that regard I do follow real life. I have an even stronger compulsion against playing evil characters in any game where you have to make a choice along those lines - I just don't do it, ever. Generally on a second play-through I do try to vary some on the moral choices, but never to the extent of really playing "evil". But there at least you can make a real argument that playing the good side is nearly always more interesting in the sense that you talk to people more and see more depth in motivations etc. than if you just rampage around as an evil character. With the female protagonist thing, I'm not sure there's any reason that really makes sense.
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Mass Effect Trilogy - 16/10/2014 01:51:36 PM 866 Views
Its funny that you bring this up.... - 16/10/2014 09:20:55 PM 825 Views
Re: Its funny that you bring this up.... - 17/10/2014 12:53:24 AM 782 Views
Amazing games, definitely. - 19/10/2014 09:59:43 PM 934 Views
Re: Amazing games, definitely. - 20/10/2014 10:46:58 PM 967 Views
Re: Amazing games, definitely. - 21/10/2014 08:40:43 PM 1035 Views
Re: Amazing games, definitely. - 21/10/2014 11:00:38 PM 777 Views
Now I finished 3 and went straight back to 1... these games are really addictive. - 11/11/2014 09:07:23 PM 973 Views
Super massively addictive - 17/11/2014 06:27:28 PM 879 Views
Good that I'm not alone. - 19/11/2014 10:42:43 PM 910 Views
FemShep- I really like the voice acting - 21/10/2014 06:52:49 PM 903 Views
Re: FemShep- I really like the voice acting - 17/11/2014 06:47:57 PM 814 Views
I think I could only make myself to repeat part 2, maybe 3 - 07/11/2014 02:22:43 PM 960 Views

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