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I'm debating whether to buy a Wii U Zelda Windwaker HD Bundle. MonCul Send a noteboard - 30/09/2013 03:53:58 PM

I love Zelda games. They're some of the first games I played on NES. Bought a N64 just to play Ocarina, bought a Gamecube just to play Windwaker (Bonus!: It came with Zelda I, Zelda II, Ocarina, and Majora's Mask), and looking back I would consider them both good purchases, though I did go on to buy plenty of additional good games for those systems (Mario, MarioKart, Pikmin, etc.). If I didn't already own a Wii (after multiple price drops) when Skyward Sword finally released, I would've eventually purchased the system to play it.

Now I'm considering buying the Wii U to play Windwaker in HD. My dilemma is that although it is probably my favorite Zelda game, it's not actually a new Zelda game. The system was just dropped to $299 and that's more than I've ever paid for a Nintendo, and possibly my 360 and PS3 as well. Also, as far as must have games go, the Wii U is pretty weak. Pikmin 3.....and that's about it. The system also has practically zero 3rd party support. It's kinda the red-headed stepchild of the gaming systems. How much support is Nintendo going to put into it before they realize the PS4 and the Xbox180 are kiling it and they need a new system? For all I know a new Zelda may not even end up on this system, which is what almost happened to the Gamecube with Twilight Princess.

Do you think it will eventually be worth the purchase or am I wasting my money for a few moments of nostalgia?

Your thoughts??

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I'm debating whether to buy a Wii U Zelda Windwaker HD Bundle. - 30/09/2013 03:53:58 PM 775 Views
Depends. Do you already have an easy way to stream Netflix to your tv? If so, maybe a waste. - 30/09/2013 05:54:47 PM 1047 Views
I use my PS3 for Netflix - 30/09/2013 10:17:18 PM 706 Views

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