Enemy Starfighter. A game about shooting things...
AliasRY Send a noteboard - 13/12/2012 08:37:33 PM
IN SPACE! (Sorry)
Is it just me or are there a surprisingly large number of space combat games being announced these days? Is it the cool thing to do now. I haven't played many space combat games, though I have fond memories of Star Wars: Starfighter. I tried playing X3 one, but I couldn't even find my way around in the tutorial.
This game looks interesting, especially the planning aspect. I quite like the aesthetic too (unless that's just placeholder art). Cartoony yet elegant in some respects. Hope he keeps it.
Is it just me or are there a surprisingly large number of space combat games being announced these days? Is it the cool thing to do now. I haven't played many space combat games, though I have fond memories of Star Wars: Starfighter. I tried playing X3 one, but I couldn't even find my way around in the tutorial.
This game looks interesting, especially the planning aspect. I quite like the aesthetic too (unless that's just placeholder art). Cartoony yet elegant in some respects. Hope he keeps it.
Elayne: See this chin? I will raise it.
Let the Lord of Lurkers rule
Let the Lord of Lurkers rule
Enemy Starfighter. A game about shooting things...
13/12/2012 08:37:33 PM