However, even without the promotion it looks like I can still get what I really wanted (BGI&II plus expansions) for $20, so my question now is: I assume you would not be linking this site if it was chock full o' viruses, right? My guess is that concern is why I did not already download the games (since trying to create an account just now revealed that I already joined at the height of my BG replay craze last January. ) Additionally, is the whole thing a download, or do they physically ship things like the manuals and reference cards? If the answers are "no" and "yes" I suspect I will soon be hacking my way through Durlags Tower again, and you will have my heartfelt thanks for the tip. Too bad it looks like they lack Mechwarrior 3 (the best of that series, IMHO) 'cos I would really love to play that again.
And I've downloaded, er, far too many games from that site the past year and a half or so - some of them I've barely played. But yes, it's entirely safe and reliable, and you can download manuals, reference cards, etc. separately in addition to the main game. In the case of BG, having the physical manuals might have made the maps rather more useful (the font of them is seriously too tiny to read), but that's a small enough quibble.
I suspected you would not all be using that site if it was dangerous, but appreciate the confirmation; since they take PayPal I am not too worried about the other well known risks of e-commerce. I will not sweat the BG1 map too much; I know my way around it pretty well (and played it all the way through again in the weeks before my wedding so the refresher is still clear in my mind.) BG2 might be a bit more challenging since it is a bigger, more complex map where everything is not neatly connected so that if I keep walking I will find myself at a point where I can reach the area I want. If their maps are giving you trouble though, I trust you know there are plenty of sites with good area maps (including several that host "spoiler free" and comprehensive versions.)
And after running through the stats for each board with Excel over the past few hours I think I will have to try making more visits to this board as well as most of the others. The stats are very interesting if one divides ones views by ones percentage of views to get each MBs total. Basically, the WoTMB and CMB dominate the site with 70% of views and 2/3 of posts. Most astoundingly, while the BMBs second place view/post ratio is a solid 58.6 (just a little below the site average,) the WoTMBs ratio is a stunning 136.4, despite the fact it has the second most posts (17% to the BMBs 13%.) The CMB has nearly as many posts as the rest of the site combined, but the lowest view/post ratio at 40.95 (believe it or not, my stats only lower that by 0.065, which would be negligible save for the fact it vaults the CMB past the RPGMB by 0.007 views/post (if that can be called a vault. )) Fitting that the CMB and RPGMB are virtually tied for last place in views/post, since I think they have a similar dynamic for very different reasons.</end ramble since I will probably post about it tomorrow anyway. >
Honorbound and honored to be Bonded to Mahtaliel Sedai
Last First in wotmania Chat
Slightly better than chocolate.
Love still can't be coerced.
Please Don't Eat the Newbies!
LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
Last First in wotmania Chat
Slightly better than chocolate.
Love still can't be coerced.
Please Don't Eat the Newbies!
LoL. Be well, RAFOlk.
GOG sale on D&D titles this weekend.
23/09/2011 08:49:02 AM
Oh, now they do that? After I've already bought half of them?
23/09/2011 09:19:31 AM
23/09/2011 09:24:24 AM
Re: Planetscape:Torment.
24/09/2011 09:17:50 AM
Planescape for su re *NM*
24/09/2011 09:19:03 AM
I can't even... need the ability to delete failurific posts, *NM*
24/09/2011 09:21:07 AM
I got BG1 and PT... BG1 is surprisingly hard, or maybe that's just me.
24/09/2011 02:57:53 PM
BG1 can be pretty tricky
24/09/2011 03:27:13 PM
Yeah. There aren't high-level abilities, you have less HP, less magic equipment... *NM*
24/09/2011 08:47:19 PM
Not a fan of actually having to roll HP dice, either... that just forces you to save and reload. *NM*
24/09/2011 09:35:52 PM
You can do multi-player offline if you do not wish to wait for NPCs.
07/10/2011 05:49:11 PM
Oh, I did have enough NPCs, they were just all level 1 was what I meant.
07/10/2011 05:57:09 PM
The big thing that annoyed me was attacks/round and dual wield on rangers.
07/10/2011 06:19:23 PM
will this finally solve the totsc expansion pack patches for bg1? *NM*
23/09/2011 11:40:40 AM
I got Planescape since I've never played, and been told I should.
24/09/2011 01:30:54 AM
honestly, I wasn't that enthralled with Planescape
24/09/2011 01:46:10 AM
Interesting. I'm a fan more of classic high fantasy like Baldur's Gate, but...
25/09/2011 12:33:24 AM
it really is good. I totally do not know why I don't love it. *NM*
25/09/2011 03:58:56 AM
I obviously need to visit this board more often.
07/10/2011 06:05:13 PM
It's all downloads, they don't ship anything.
07/10/2011 10:39:16 PM
Awesome, thanks for the info.
07/10/2011 11:16:02 PM