I was addicted straight from the get-go. Started it up on Thursday at 11 pm and logged a couple hours without even realizing it. The only reason I haven't been playing more is because I just picked up Gears 3 also and needed to play that too. Now that I killed that campaign, I'm expecting to hit bf3 for hours and hours.
Yes, it's buggy. Very buggy. But I thought that the gameplay was fun and it was all around enjoyable. I didn't particularly like the spawn points, especially in the subway. It makes spawn killing so much easier. And I can agree with you about knowing where your enemy is. It got quite confusing at times. I feel that given enough time, though, this game is gonna kick some major ass. I just gotta stop falling waist deep in the ground.
Yes, it's buggy. Very buggy. But I thought that the gameplay was fun and it was all around enjoyable. I didn't particularly like the spawn points, especially in the subway. It makes spawn killing so much easier. And I can agree with you about knowing where your enemy is. It got quite confusing at times. I feel that given enough time, though, this game is gonna kick some major ass. I just gotta stop falling waist deep in the ground.
Go Hokies!
CS/CpE. Yay engineering!
CS/CpE. Yay engineering!
Battlefield 3 Beta impressions
30/09/2011 03:07:17 AM
I thought it was wonderful, tbh. (PC)
03/10/2011 02:00:42 PM
Haven't played it yet, but I'm expecting it to be Bad Company 3.0 + prone.
04/10/2011 09:41:36 PM