Honestly, its boring. The graphics are OK but nothing revolutionary. Framerates are pretty good though even though I'm playing on a laptop (Thank god for a Radeon 6970M). The main disappointment is the seemingly sluggish gameplay, not to mention the difficulty in identifying friend or foe (realistic I guess). Once before I realized my minimap would indicate hostiles in red I stared at another prone player for a good 10 seconds before he turned around and shot me and it was only then I realized he was an enemy. Constantly referencing the minimap to identify hostiles is a huge penalty on combat. Maybe it's because my fps skills are a bit rusty but the infantry gameplay is not as responsive as battlefield 2. I guess my hundreds of hours logged on TF2 have spoiled me but the demo map was simply snoozeville due to the slow pace and guaranteed camping caused by the map objectives. Too bad no vehicle maps in the beta as I they are the heart and soul of a battlefield game.
Battlefield 3 Beta impressions
30/09/2011 03:07:17 AM
Haven't played it yet, but I'm expecting it to be Bad Company 3.0 + prone.
04/10/2011 09:41:36 PM